(Medical report(s) for more than two weeks of absence from class)
Name: _____________________________ Dates of Absences: ________________________
Teacher: _______________________ Period: ___________ Reporting Day: Everyday
Reporting to class: Students assigned to a study hall must report to their P.E. class weekly (Monday or Friday) to submit their written report and/or take their written activity quiz.
Written Activity Quizzes/P.E. Final Examination: Students on a long term medical, regardless of the length, are responsible for taking all four activity quizzes and the final exam in their regularly scheduled P.E. class. Study sheets are available from your instructor.
Student responsibilities for completing “Physical Education Long Term Medical Reports”:
1. All of the directions listed below must be followed in order to receive any credit.
2. Credit will be given to each report based upon content, grammar/spelling and neatness. You will not receive any credit for a plagiarized report.
3. If your P.E. report(s) are not turned in weekly (Monday or Friday) as indicated below, you will receive a zero for that report, potentially causing you to fail for that marking period.
1. Topic must be a Health or Physical education related topic. Teacher must give approval before proceeding.
2. Each report will require a cover.
3. Each report will require a title page.
4. Each report must list at least two references.
Example: Author, ”Name of Article”, Name of Book/Magazine, date, page numbers.
5. Length of report – each report must be four written or two typed (double spaced) pages long in content. The cover, title page and bibliography are not included in the total number of pages required.
Length of medical excuse # of required reports Topic Report due date
Two to three weeks