Week 1 – America Before America
Exact number of aboriginal before the settlers arrived is not really known.
They had a complex system of government, agriculture and trade.
Federalism was used by the people of the Long House as a governing multiple tribes in different areas.
Diseases introduced by the settlers reduced the population to about 250,000 by the end of the 19th century > the thanks giving was not so great
There were wars going on.
The 13 Colonies were all on the eastern coast near the water and were all settled for different reasons.
They were settles between 1607 and 1733. Each colonies developed their own government, cultures and economies. > Slave economies and non-slave economies.
Jamestown was the first successful settlement; it was a principally commercial purpose, but most of its settlers died in the first 5 years and were replaced by new immigrants. They fought and won wars with the neighboring natives.
Plymouth: it was settled by Separatists who wished for freedom from the Church of England. They first moved to Holland than to America. It was created by a religious group which shared values unlike the commercial economies which shared interests.
> think about why they moved and what they bought with them.
SLAVERY: it existed in all the states but not every economy relied on them.
TYPES of colonies: Crown (existed under British authority) and Proprietary(rule was granted to individuals/ companies to colonies these colonies> Pennsylvania was proprietary to William Penn)
Though the Governors of the colonies were appointed by the crown on a local level the process was very democratic. There were no parties. All land owners could vote in America and most of the Settlers were given land for moving for majority of the population was already part of the franchise.
The ultimate authority (sovereignty) was with the crown in UK but the franchise was broad. The governors were assigned by the crown but the