Notes from the 2010 FLCC Critical Care Transport Paramedic class as was recorded solely by Marcus LaBarbera- NYS
Paramedic. I do not apologize for any spelling or grammar errors, lack of completeness, or recording errors. These are primarily personal notes but I am offering them to the community as an additional study resource. I will take no responsibility for persons who fail any quiz or test as a result of this document. Always consult the text books recommended specifically by UMBC for this course.
TT airway in burns- now controversial from provider to provider
Cormack-Lehane scale
5.5-6.5 TT in a trach, 7.0 is LARGE
DOPE nmumonic for troubleshooting airway problems
Beware mediastinal pneumonia (though prevalence seems to be low?)
Treacheal/ esophageal-arterial-pharangeal͙. Fistula (from long term treach application..)
LMA contraindicated in upper GI pathology/ GERD, ͙
With King LT-D, suction well before insertion to decrease problems later
Passing bouge to transfer King to TT, may not work as well as company reports
Eschmann introducer (bougie)
Bougie as a stylette may facilitate faster intubation if it͛s a known or potentially difficult airway
Retrograde intubation- 110mm j wire
Know medication classes for final test
͞Facilitated͟ intubation (only atomodate or versed) to assist with intubation which is a poor experience for the patient. Atomadate given too quickly can cause trismus.
SLAM ʹ street level airway management
7- P͛s:
Preoxygenateif there maintaining oxygenation with spontaneous respers͙
Paralysis with sedation
Pass the TT
Placement conformation
Post intubation care
Remember to avoid BVM use if it͛s not necessary
Remember the basics and provide Oxygen
Remember suction THAT WORKS particularly with portables.
Lidocaine is thought to decrease ICP but no good studies to prove either way
Peds: (up to 10yoa) dose 0.01mg/kg, if you give below 0.1mg/kg