BSBA 2 Mr. Mark Rozeinio
“Bring out the best in people”
By: Tita Datu Puangco
Reaction: As a future business persons, time will come we will engaged of having a work obviously office works. This article tells us how we bring out the best in people. Some people who easily gives up or lower their self-esteem if someone didn’t appreciate what they’ve done. The writer mentioned about Maslow’s theory of motivation. Yes, it’s true that when you fulfill your basic needs you will aim for higher like having luxurious things. Who don’t want these things right? Motivation is important for us to be successful, if we lose this we can’t function well. We need self-actualization at work of course motivation is important so that it will increase their motivation. It will also increase the dedication to strive hard to their work. The writer also discussed about the 12 factors yes and I agree with that it’s better for leaders to motivate their members. These 12 factors show how a person wants their supervisor to treat them. The writer told us four rules of Phil Geldart from Eagle Flight international. The first rule is to esteem others we need to praise everything that you have done whether its good or not so. Let’s help the person developed their skills to excel in their field. It’s ok to discuss to the person his strengths and weaknesses so that she can improve or made it better. Second is Asses others while looking at the results, we should judge them evenly so they won’t say that there were some favoritism going on. The third is set great goals. We need to set goals like having a deadline or what so that the person will be motivated to finish what he’s doing. Lastly the fourth Establish checkpoints, we need to monitor