SCIENCE INVESTIGATORY PROJECT (Proposal) Submitted to: Mrs. Gwenneth M. Toralde Submitted by: Tharrah Anne O. Banogon I. Title Alternative Hand Sanitizer II. Problem The feasibility of guava extract (Psidium guajava) and Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) as hand sanitizer III. Rationale Hand sanitizers are actually expensive. But I hope to make an alternative hand sanitizer from guava and aloe vera which could be cheaper IV. Methodology A. Materials Guava leaves Aloe vera
Premium Ethanol Hand sanitizer Bottle
CORPORATE LESSONS FROM MAHATMA GANDHI Stress Management Gandhiji had a good sense of humour which he used to reduce stress. He read Bhagvad Gita whenever felt disappointed. Today HR managers conduct laughing class for employees. ENVIRONMENT CONSERVATION Gandhiji believed that nature can fulfill our needs but not greed. Decentralization Gandhiji wanted to make villages self dependant.He developed local leaders at grassroot level. INNOVATION Gandhiji successfully
Premium Management Bhagavad Gita Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
DBQ By the 1850’s the Constitution‚ originally framed as an instrument of national unity‚ had become a source of sectional discord and tension and ultimately contributed to the failure of the union it has created. This was shown by interpretations of the constitution and other documents when the constitution was assorted together. It is known that the union did not last‚ for there was the Civil War. If everyone could agree on what the constitution implied‚ then there probably would not have been
Premium American Civil War Slavery in the United States Compromise of 1850
breakfast and dinner. Even the doffers were forced to be on duty nearly fourteen hours a day. This was the greatest hardship in the lives of these children” (Doc 4). Additionally women identified with slaves because they both got unequal treatment. In Document 8 there is a slave woman kneeling with chains on her wrists‚ with the words “ I am not a woman and a sister”. Overall‚ Reformers in the antebellum era were concerned about religion‚ women’s rights‚ slavery and were trying to reform the American
Premium United States Puritan Religion
DBQ QUESTIONS Writing the DBQ Civil War Assess the following quote: “Ultimately‚ the Civil War reduced sectional antagonism and made the United States truly ‘one nation.’” ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Constitution Using information from the evidence below as well as your knowledge of the period‚ discuss the development of the United States Constitution as a document
Premium United States World War II American Civil War
operates in wartime. This essay will focus on the how the USAF implements its tenets of airpower and how it relates to joint operations. This essay will compare the two and provide two examples how Airman execute these functions. Air Force Doctrine Document 1 (AFDD) 1‚ defines tenets of airpower as the application of airpower is refined by several fundamental guiding truths. Centralized Control & Decentralized Execution‚ Flexibility & Versatility‚ Synergistic Effects‚ Persistence‚ Concentration‚ Priority
Project Report On “Promotional Mix of Get Friday Using Digital Media Tools” Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements of Post Graduate Diploma in Management At Executive Summary In today’s media landscape where it’s very difficult to shape consumers attitude and intentions and move them to next level of buying process‚ Promotions find it even more difficult and challenging to break through the clutter of competing Promotions by the competitors. In this Project it analyses the
Premium Small business Marketing Business
Most people are familiar with World War I but a lot of them do not know how it started. WWI sparked in 1914 and ended in 1918. It was between Britain‚ France‚ Russia‚ Germany‚ Italy‚ Austria-Hungary‚ and the United States. The Underlying causes of the war was Militarism‚ Alliance‚ and Nationalism. Militarism is one of the causes because it created tension within the countries. It is a policy of glorifying military power and keeping an army “on the ready” for war. According to The Origins of the
Premium World War I World War II Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria
used for providing resources for their race. Also the description of the Japanese emperor shows the admiration for their own culture‚ which “may be extended so as to embrace the whole world” (Doc. A). Paying special attention to the background of Document A‚ which was a required reading in many Japanese highschools and colleges supports the thesis that Japan saw themselves as
Premium World War II United States Attack on Pearl Harbor
Assignment Document-Based Question: The Columbian Exchange Submit this assignment to your teacher by the due date to receive full credit. (45 points) 1. To complete this Graded Assignment‚ retrieve the Columbian Exchange DBQ. Use this document with its essay instructions and the DBQ Checklist to complete this DBQ essay. Please consult the rubric throughout the process. Using the documents‚ analyze the costs and benefits of the Columbian Exchange on the New World. What additional kind of documents would
Premium Americas Indigenous peoples of the Americas Christopher Columbus