[pic] BTEC National Diploma and Subsidiary Diploma Health & Social Care (QCF Level 3) Unit 1: Developing Effective Communication in Health and Social Care Unit code: R/600/8939 QCF Level 3: BTEC Nationals Credit value: 10 Guided learning hours: 60 Start Date: 24/04/2012 Finish Date: 19/07/2012 Teacher: Mrs Vernon Name: | |This unit aims to enable learners to understand effective communication‚ the barriers that may exist and ways
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There was a recent report from Parklands care home in Rochdale‚ which revealed the home failed seven of the 10 standards of care required. There were found to be several failures by the care staff that resulted in neglect and possible physical abuse. A report found that there were “Floors and toilets stained with faeces” this creates a poor environmental condition which could fall into two sections of the seven main categories of abuse. Due to the poor living conditions this could either be classed
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The idea of the social contract is one of the foundations of the American political system. The definition of the social contract explains that it is a theory that the government has only the authority accorded it by the consent of the governed. In other words the government only exists to serve the people‚ and they are the source of all its political power. Society can choose to give or withhold this power. Although the social contract theory attempts to validate government power‚ there have those
all because he had the power to do so. Imagine being ruled by a dictator who constantly sought political power while only looking out for himself‚ leaving over 3 million of his “people” to die due to starvation. Meet Josef Mengele and Kim Jong-II. Both of the men described share one key trait; they possessed power. These men only being two examples out of numerous others who lived or live to seek power‚ only to abuse it. Its known to mankind that people in this world gain power to only use it negatively
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are corruption/scandals and abuse of power. For as long as I can remember these are the two most popular topics that got brought up when someone would begin a discussion on what needs to change in our criminal justice system for it to be able to actually serve its purpose for the citizens of this country. Throughout the duration of this paper I will be discussing in depth some of
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The President‚ Supreme Court and Congress: An Abuse of Power? Preserving life‚ liberty and the pursuit of happiness has been atop all priorities of the United states of America (United States Constitution‚ 1776). To maintain this mission‚ a framework for the organization of the United States Government and it’s relationship to the people was developed. This creation has become the supreme law of the United States. It is known as the Constitution (United States Constitution‚ 1776). This oldest written
Premium United States Constitution Supreme Court of the United States President of the United States
Principles of Health and Social Care Practice Introduction This unit develops understanding of the values and principles that underpin the practice of all those who work in health and social care. The essay consider theories and policies that underpin health and social care practice and explore formal and informal mechanisms required to promote good practice by individuals in the workforce‚ including strategies that can influence the performance of others. The first part of this essay will consider
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over the executive abuse and benefits the presidents have. The increased use of executive legislation in the absence of challenges from Congress has expanded the power‚ boundaries‚ and pose a serious threat to the democracy. During the late 1800s‚ Abraham Lincoln’s abuse of power during the American Civil War. Despite his abilities to keep America sane and together‚ some of his most controversial decisions might actually be considered now to be abuses of the Presidential power. During his terms
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body of the process of making it by the acts of Parliament. Legislation in health and social care is health and safety. You need to ensure that there is always safe practice when providing care or help. There are policies and regulations that you have to follow to make sure you are safe at work as well as service users and others around you‚ this is to help protect the public. An example of legislation is the Care Standards Act 2000‚ regulations are the rules you have to follow‚ where you work an example
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Diploma in Health and Social Care (Adults) ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Name: Chris Hearn ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- Course: Edexcel Level 3 Diploma in Health & Social Care (Adults) Learner workbook to contribute to the achievement of the underpinning knowledge for Unit 1: Promote Communication in Health‚ Social Care or Children’s and Young
Premium Communication Sign language