Greatness has nothing to do with where you are and what resources are available to you. People who achieve great things in life need just one thing – passion. That passion has a power to propel you through all uncertainties and make you a superhero. Time and again this basic fact of life has been proved. Yet we find students losing the battle of life as early as after a failure in IIT JEE. We hope the story of Danish Chopra can mirror the real picture of the requisite of success. I happened to
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written by William Shakespeare‚ ambition conspires with unholy forces to carry out evil deeds‚ which in term generates fear‚ guilt‚ and horrible crimes. The major theme of the play concerns Macbeth‚ the protagonist and tragic hero. From his rise‚ fall‚ and destruction‚ an idea develops regarding ambition. Ambition is the desire for personal achievement. Ambitious people seek to be the best at what they choose to do for attainment‚ power‚ or superiority. The motif of ambition in the play is that being ambitious
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Personal Statement It is my ambition to become a world renowned manager in future and as we know that in the modern era the knowledge is the key to success after completing my studies‚ I wish to be on a top level of management and to fulfill my aims and objectives therefore‚ I decided to take admission in abc For my further studies I choose hotel management which has a many opportunities for me because I have an aim to be on top ahead of life. To become a good manager firstly a person should be
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MY AMBITION IN LIFE Points: Introduction - My ambition in life - My resolve to become a doctor - What I shall do as a doctor. Different people have different ambitions. Some want to be rich. Some wish to become leaders of the country to gain honor. Some desire to be great scientists. There an others who are mainly led by a spirit of adventure. The latest craze among young boys and girls is to go to foreign countries. Their aim in life is to earn a lot of money within a short period. I am a human
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fame because they had a strong ambition for the work they do. Although ambition can lead to wonderful things‚ there is such a thing as being too ambitious. This was likely the case for Macbeth‚ who used all the wrong methods to be the king. He did this by killing multiple people including King Duncan himself‚ who showed nothing but love to Macbeth. His inability to differentiate from reality and illusions from the witches also show how much he was blinded by his ambition. He wasn’t the only one that
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Macbeth Where can you see that Macbeth is ambitious? Pp. 21-23. Do you not hope your children shall be kings‚ When those that gave the thane of Cawdor to me Promised no less to them? (p. 21 ll. Ovenover 120) - Aren’t you beginning to hope your children will be kings? After all‚ the witches who said I was thane of Cawdor promised them nothing less. (p. 21 “Do you hope your children shall be kings…”) I am thane of Cawdor. If good‚ why do I yield to that suggestion Whose horrid image
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Theme of Ambition in Macbeth I have no spur To prick the sides of my intent‚ but only Vaulting ambition‚ which o’erleaps itself And falls on the other. 1. Ambition – central to the play- as‚ coupled with moral weakness‚ it’s Macbeth’s tragic flaw‚ causing his fatal errors‚ the hamertia that brings about his own destruction. 2. It’s unusual – his ambition is a fascinating blend of desire and deep awareness of the full extent of his crime. This results in vacillation. His terrible intent is horrific
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is ambition and self-improvement. Dickens uses this as a universal idea for his novel‚ and from this theme he gets his title of Great Expectations. Another major theme in the novel is social class. Dickens uses the theme of social class to feed into his theme of ambition and self-improvement. With both ambition and self-improvement Pip is able to become a gentleman. Pip‚ from the lower class‚ has the longing to be with Estella‚ an upper-class well breed girl. He realizes that he has to become a gentleman
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Ambition and Desire: Macbeth Ambition and desire in itself are not bad traits‚ it is only when released from moral constraints that they can wreak havoc. These traits‚ which have been freed from any sense of morality and principles are explored through Shakespeare’s tragedy‚ Macbeth. Shakespeare developed Macbeth as a noble character who gives in to the cravings of power and superiority over others‚ and not only goes on a murdering rampage‚ but drags his morally corrupt wife with him‚ ultimately
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Corrupt Ambition Between Hitler and Macbeth Corrupt aspects of Man’s nature are shown in William Shakespeare’s play Macbeth as well as through the ambition of Hitler and his desire to overthrow Germany and eliminate all Jews. This is shown by both Macbeth and Hitler’s murderous ambitious attitudes to do whatever it takes to become one of the most powerful people of their time. In the beginning of the play Macbeth was a reasonably good man and a great solider. Macbeth was even described as being
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