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    Online Behavior Analysis

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    125-128. Bernstein‚ E. (2012). Why are we so rude online: Online browsing lowers self-control and is linked to higher debt‚ weight. Wall Street Journal. Retrieved from http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10000872396390444592404578030351784405148 Blumer‚ T.‚ & Doering‚ N. (2012). Are we the same online? The expression of the five factor personality traits on the computer and the Internet. Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace‚ 6(3)‚ article 1. doi: 10.5817/CP2012-3-5.

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    Symbolic Interaction

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    language of our social lives. Since Mead regarded symbols as the foundation of both personal and social life‚ the theory he developed is called Symbolic Interactionism. Although Mead died before naming his theory‚ Herbert Blumer‚ a student of his‚ came up with the name. Blumer stated that Mead’s theory consisted of three key concepts‚ meaning‚ language‚ and thought. The central theme of symbolic interactionism is that human life is lived in the symbolic domain. Symbols are culturally derived social

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    Labeling Theory Of Crime

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    G.‚ & Krohn‚ M. D. (2003). Labeling‚ life chances‚ and adult crime: The direct and indirect effects of official intervention in adolescence on crime in early adulthood. Criminology‚ 41‚ 1287-1318. Blumer‚ H. (1986). Symbolic interactionism: Perspective and method. Berkeley: University of California Press. Botelho‚ G. (2012‚ May 23). What happened the night Trayvon Martin died. Retrieved April 11‚ 2017‚ from http://www.cnn.com/2012/05/18/justice/florida-teen-shooting-details/

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    Oprah Winfrey is a TV presenter‚ who is famous for being quite elaborating in the discussion of themes related to social inequality and racism in the United States. Her contribution is huge because her talk-show was one of the first serious TV-series‚ where the problems of African American were properly addressed. Oprah is a charismatic person. Perhaps‚ it is the reason why the format of the series in a talk shows. People come and discuss their problems and create polemics‚ which helps to figure


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    Theoretical Perspective

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    For my study‚ How Learning and Using Computer Technology Skills Affect Traditional Experienced Teachers in the Christian School‚ I plan to use a phenomenological approach as I gather and analyze my data. Since phenomenology focuses on the structure and essence of experiences of a particular phenomenon for a group of people‚ this is appropriate for my study. I seek to understand the essence of being an experienced teacher who is presented with the new challenge of learning and integrating computer

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    Movies: The Changing Society in the 1920s Tina Wang US History March 7th‚ 2014 2 The 1920s was an important time period in American history due to the significant transformation of the film industry that further influenced the economy and the society. Both silent and sound movies were largely produced during the time that not only made the entertainment more popular but also created a new trend in the society. With such big influences‚ the economy in the United States also relied

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    product of the individual’s previous social interaction and therefore the individual continues to handle and modify their own interpretation during all their social encounters. One of the founding theorists of the symbolic interaction was Herbert Blumer and he suggested that we attach meaning to the actions of other individuals and therefore we do not only respond to the actions of the individual but also to the meaning we attach to that action. Therefore people behave and react‚ in social interaction

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    References: Blumer‚ H. (1969). Symbolic Interactionism Perspective and Method. Englewood Cliffs‚ NJ: Prentice Hall‚ Inc. Green‚ J. (2013). What Steve Jobs Taught Me After I Said "No" To Him. http://www.fastcompany.com/ . Jason Kissner‚ David C. Pyrooz. (2009). Self-control

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    Introduction Vincent Van Gogh was one of the greatest artists who involved himself in artwork with full dedication. Born in 1853 in Holland‚ he rose despite the odds he faced in his life which brought transformations and made him create improvising unique styles. Since his formative years and later in his middle years‚ Van Gogh maintained immense interest in artwork and did not fail to help others and engage in different forms of art available at the time. Later in his life‚ Van Gogh’s mental health

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    For years‚ social action theorists have sought out to understand how society operates. Unlike structuralists for example Marxists‚ action theorists are a micro level approach where they find the study of the individual and their interactions within society more important to our understanding. Action theorists are more voluntaristic‚ they believe that individuals possess agency where they have the ability to be free agents in themselves and in shaping society. Max Weber is well known within sociology

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