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    Cited: Chriss‚ James J. Social Control: An Introduction. Cambridge‚ UK: Polity‚ 2007. Print Siegel‚ L. J. (2011). Criminology‚ The Core. Lowell: Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

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    Police Discretion

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    Policing Essay Police discretion poses an interesting paradox in our democratic society. As Ramirez et al (2000) explains‚ ‘we entrust the police to enforce the law‚ to maintain order‚ and to use legitimate force if necessary ’. Not only do we expect police to complete this rather demanding task‚ but we also ‘expect them to accomplish these tasks by treating the public in a fair and even-handed way ’. Thus a major problem is the ‘over policing ’ and ‘stereotyping ’ of marginalized groups such

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    Designing of Dollars

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    Designing of Dollars Great product design is absolutely critical for most consumer products companies. But how do these companies know when a design feature will pay off‚ especially when every dollar counts? How so they make those tough decisions? That is the challenge that faced Chuck Jones‚ chief designer for home appliance company Whirlpool. He knew he had to come up with a better way. Chuck’s realization that the whole process of making design decisions needed to be improved came after a meeting

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    White Collar Crime

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    White Collar Crime The late Professor Edwin Sutherland coined the term white-collar crime about 1941. Sutherland defined white-collar crime as "a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation" (Siegel 337) White-collar crime includes‚ by way of example‚ such acts as promulgating false or misleading advertising‚ illegal exploitation of employees‚ mislabeling of goods‚ violation of weights and measures statutes‚ conspiring to fix prices‚ evading

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    Chidambaram Ramanujam | | | Top of FormBottom of Form | | | | | Before we look at the life and work of Chidambaram Padmanabhan Ramanujam we must warn the reader that this article is on Ramanujam‚ NOT Ramanujan the number theorist who worked with G H Hardy (there is only a difference of one letter in their names!). Ramanujam’s father was C S Padmanabhan who was an advocate working in Madras‚ India‚ at the High Court. C P Ramanujam was educated in Madras‚ first at Ewart’s School‚ where

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    units and theories have been around and in use from as early as the twentieth century. Over the years‚ theorists and researchers have engaged their minds in trying to find answers and possibly cab the high level of crime that the world faces today (Siegel‚ 2010). Many of the theories developed give varying analytical statistics on the causes that lead people to commit crimes; right from common crimes to high profile criminal offenses; this study aims at discussing two theories‚ one from choice theories

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    Ghetto In The 19th Century

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    The American Ghetto To an extent Ghetto’s have always existed within the United States. Beginning with the Five Points Area of New York City in the late 18th century every city in the United States has had neighborhoods where the poor‚ the recent immigrant‚ the desperate‚ and the criminal have made their homes. However; it was only in the late 19th century that the systematic poverty in the ghetto and related problems such as‚ alcohol and drug abuse‚ child abuse and neglect‚ spousal abuse‚ and crime

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    Are Criminals Born or Made?

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    Sheldon‚ W Sheldon‚ W. H. (1942). The Varieties of Temperament: A Psychology of Constitutional Differences. New York: Harper. Sheldon‚ W. H. (1949). Varieties of Delinquent Youth: An Introduction to Constitutional Psychiatry. New York: Harper. Siegel‚ L Witkin‚ H. A.‚ Mednick‚ S. A.‚ & Schulsinger‚ F. (1976). ‘Criminality in XY and XYY men’ Science 193 547-55.

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    *Faize Nabi ** Saif Azam ***Azmat Ali Khan Abstract The research paper aims to explore the associations between and among Unit’s profit-making‚ GreenEx Performance and CSR Index with the use of Spearman’s Rank Correlation Method. The data of the Units has been adopted from the Forbes’ India’s Top 100 Units. A CSR Index has been generated on the basis of ratio of Unit’s actual CSR spend and stipulated 2% of Avg. PAT (as per CSR Clause no. 135 in the proposed Companies Act 2013). For GreenEx performance

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    suppliers‚ community groups‚ government‚ Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)‚ and institutional shareholders (these groups are collectively known as stake holders of a company) to engage in being socially responsible (Morrison Paul‚ Catherine J. and Siegel‚ Donald S.‚ 2006). In recent years‚ scholars in the field of several business administrations have studied the implication of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on economical and communal performance of an organisation or a company.

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