"Cardiac electrophysiology" Essays and Research Papers

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    Cardiac Injury Essay

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    Most of the cardiac injury ultimately results in development of cardiac fibrosis due to negligible regenerative capacity of heart. Cardiac fibrosis is associated with increased deposition of matrix proteins in the myocardium. The expansion of the cardiac interstitial space in absence of significant cardiomyocyte loss is “reactive interstitial fibrosis” and the formation of scar in response to myocardial infarction is called “reparative fibrosis” [10‚ 46]. Increased deposition of endomysial and perimysial

    Premium Heart Myocardial infarction Blood

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    Cardiac Catheterization

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    Cardiac catheterization is often referred to as coronary angiography or a coronary angiogram. It is a radiographic procedure that is used to look at and visualize the heart and the coronary arteries. During a cardiac catheterization it is possible for the cardiologist performing the procedure to see how effectively blood is flowing through the coronary arteries. In addition‚ this procedure allows the cardiologists to see how blood is moving through the chambers of the heart and how effective the

    Premium Atherosclerosis Myocardial infarction Cardiology

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    Cardiac Output

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    Cardiac Output most used tool to measure heart function The volume of blood ejected by the heart per minute. CO= Heart Rate x Stroke Volume EX: 70bt/min X 70ml/bt = 4900ml/min ~ 5L/min Regulation of Heart Beat HR is regulated through the balance of parasympathetic and sympathetic influence on the SA node. 1 action potential = 1 electrical impulse Parasympathetic: Slows HR Sympathetic: Speeds HR Parasympathetic Regulation of HR At rest‚ parasympathetic nerves will release Acetylcholine

    Premium Heart Cardiology Artery

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    Cardiac Problems

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    is the symptom of acid reflux and GERD; however‚ not everyone with acid reflux has heartburn and not everyone with heartburn has acid reflux. The symptom of heartburn can also be caused by other unusual things such as intestinal motility problems. Cardiac problems can also mimic heartburn and you should not confuse the two. Unexplained chest pain should be evaluated by an exercise stress test or EKG prior to an evaluation for gastrointestinal

    Premium Gastroesophageal reflux disease Stomach Digestive system

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    Cardiac Catheterization

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    Risk Predictors CC and PCI Predictors of Vascular Complications Post Diagnostic Cardiac Catheterization and Percutaneous Coronary Interventions Cheryl J. P. Dumont‚ PhD(c)‚ RN‚ CCRN; Arlene W. Keeling‚ PhD‚ RN; Cheryl Bourguignon‚ PhD‚ RN; Ian J. Sarembock‚ MB‚ ChB‚ MD; Melanie Turner‚ RN‚ BSN Care of patients after cardiac catheterization and/or percutaneous coronary intervention is largely the responsibility of nurses. The identification of risk factors for vascular complications from these procedures

    Premium Heart Atherosclerosis Myocardial infarction

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    The Cardiovascular System: Intrinsic Conduction System 1. The intrinsic conduction system consists of __autorhythmic cardiac______ cells that initiate and distribute __impulses___ throughout the heart. 2. The intrinsic conduction system coordinates heart activity by determining the direction and speed of _heart depolarization___. This leads to a coordinated heart contraction. 3. List the functions for the following parts of the intrinsic conduction system: a. SA Node __initiates the depolarizing

    Premium Heart Cardiac electrophysiology Action potential

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    Cardiac Pacemaker Essay

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    sufficient background and information about cardiac pacemakers to allow interpretation of electrocardiograms (ECGs) and telemetry strips of normal pacemaker behavior. For more in-depth information‚ such as would be necessary for programming pacemakers‚ a standard pacing text should be consulted. Several of these are listed in the bibliography. Most italicized terms are defined in the glossary at the end of the chapter. Anatomy The pertinent anatomy for cardiac pacing includes the sinoatrial (SA) node

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    Cardiac Muscle

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    Purpose ● What is the purpose of this exercise? The purpose of this exercise is to become familiar with the terms and usage of a microscope. ●Are there any safety concerns associated with this exercise? If so‚ list what they are and what precautions should be taken. Care must be taken while handling the microscope so as not to accidentally drop anything and harm oneself. Questions A. The following statements are true or false. If true‚ write a “T” on the answer line. If false‚ write

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    Cardiac Care Nursing

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    Cardiac Care Nursing Occupations in the healthcare field will always be around‚ especially nursing occupations. Registered nurses provide patients care‚ educate patients and the public about different health conditions‚ and provide advice and support to patients and their family members. Some work in hospitals‚ physicians’ offices‚ healthcare services‚ and nursing homes. However‚ others work in correctional facilities‚ schools‚ or serve in the military. The average nurse makes about $66‚000 per year

    Premium Myocardial infarction Heart Hypertension

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    Medications for cardiac arrest * Epinephrine 1mg iv bolus every 3-5 mins * Vasopressin- alternative to epinephrine * Treatment for vf‚ vt‚ pea‚ asystole * Dose: 40 units iv single * Norepinephrine – for severe hypotension * For low total peripheral resistant * Dose 0.1-0.5 mcg/kg/min infusion * Not use for cardiac arrest * Dopamine – Dose: 2-20 mcg/kg/min infusion‚ titrate to patient response * Do not administer in same iv line as Na bicarb * Dobutamine

    Premium Cardiology Hypertension Ventricular fibrillation

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