"Chlorophyll lab report" Essays and Research Papers

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    Lab Report

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    conducted on 13th August 2008 in Machines Dynamics Laboratory. The experiment was conducted in groups of four‚ and was supervised by lecturer Mr. Mohd Azahari Johan. Conducting this experiment is for fulfilling the requirements of Applied Mechanics Lab (MEC 424). A pendulum is defined as body so suspended from a fixed point as to swing freely to and from by the alternate action of gravity and momentum. It is used to regulate the movements of clockwork and other machinery. Therefore‚ a compound

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    Lab Report

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    the period of oscillations to the length of the pendulum.Sources of error for this procedure included precision in both length and time measurement tools‚ reaction time of the stopwatch holder‚ and the accuracy of the stopwatch with respect to the lab atomic clock. The final result of g takes into account the correction for the error introduced using the approximation. There are opportunities to correct for the effects of mass distribution‚ air buoyancy and damping‚ and string stretching[1]. Our results

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    Lab Report

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    # Now You See It – Copper Cycle Lab The purpose of the lab is to discover what happens when someone executes a series of procedures‚ beginning with copper metal. What is done | What is observed | 1. Started with copper‚ Cu (s). | reddish‚ brownish‚ orange-ish‚ powder-like | 2. Added nitric acid‚ HNO3 (aq). | acid turns blue and smells like chlorine. | 3. Added water‚ H2O (l). | stayed the same | 4. Added sodium hydroxide‚ NaOH (aq). | changed consistency‚ gel-like | 5. Heated the

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    Lab Report

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    Roy Levin Bio 11 Lab Dr.Izquierdo Analysis of Macromolecules in Tissue Homogenates of Bos taurusMaterials and Methods The homogenates provided were made by homogenizing tissues in a sucrose phosphate buffer in a 1:20 ratio. The protein concentration in bovine cells was measured by diluting the homogenate with a 1:5 ratio; 50 microliters of homogenate and 200 microliters of water. Then 5 known protein concentration samples which were 0.4‚ 0.8‚ 1.2‚ 1.6‚ 2.0 mg/ml of bovine serum were used to

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    Lab Report

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    Wave Nature of Light Objective: The purpose of this lab is to investigate interference‚ otherwise known as the diffraction of light. A beam of light acts a wave‚ and we are able to use equations so calculate the wavelength of the light used. The diffraction of a straight edge demonstrates that light waves bend around straight edges‚ allowing light to enter an area of shadow. When waves are superposed‚ they reinforce each other when crests are in phase and cancel out when they are not in phase

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    Lab Report

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    Laboratory Report The Plasma Membrane I. Introduction The Plasma membrane is the edge of life‚ the boundary that separates the cell from its surroundings. It controls the traffic of materials in and out of the cell. (Reece‚ 2011). It is incredibly thin that is very vital in maintaining the integrity of the cell. Not only does the plasma membrane bind the other organelles‚ it also forms a dynamic structure which gives them their remarkable activity and selectivity. (Hickman‚ 2008). Diffusion

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    Lab report

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    LSM1102 Lab Report Introduction Transformation is a process which involves plasmid DNA being bound to the cell surface and the subsequent uptake of DNA by the cell (Panja et al.‚ 2008). For artificial transformation of E. coli cells with plasmids‚ plasmid DNA has to be extracted from bacterial cells using the High-Speed Plasmid Mini Kit‚ which is then mixed with competent E. coli cells followed by heat shock and the streaking of transformed cells on two different types of agar plate (LB and LB+ampicillin)

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    Lab report

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    PEES 4200W- Physiology of Exercise Lab #2: Metabolism and Energy Expenditure 1. The Respiratory exchange ratio is the ratio of the volume of carbon dioxide produced and oxygen consumed. The ratio indicates the energy that the subject is expending for indirect calorimetry‚ how efficient the subject ’s body is at utilizing the oxygen inhaled‚ as well as the main substrate being used for energy during varying intensities of exercise. During rest the volume of carbon dioxide was 0.73L/min‚ the volume

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    Photosynthesis Lab Report

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    Photosynthesis Lab Data Collection: The absorption of different wavelengths of light by Chlorophyll Wavelength (nm) Absorbance of light by chlorophyll (Arbitrary units) Diluted Calculation New Reading (Arbitrary units) Violet 430 2.35 50% 2.35 x 2 3.20 Blue 470 1.09 - - 1.09 Blue-Green 492 0.38 - - 0.38 Green 520 0.77 - - 0.77 Yellow-Green 550 0.85 - - 0.85 Yellow 580 1.43 - - 1.43 Orange 600 0.65 - - 0.65 Red 700 0.16 - - 0.16 Absorption and reflection of light: Different

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    Lab Report

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    chemicals before use. Abide by specific warnings and directions. 3. Collect all materials needed for a procedure before proceeding. 4. Perform reactions under the hood when directed. Chemicals may be weighed and prepared at balance or lab tables‚ but tests should be carried out under the hood. 5.Acids and caustic chemicals are stored in the hood. Please do not take these chemicals from the hood. Procedure: PART 1: Metathetical reactions Precipitation reactions A1. Add a

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