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    my sanizah@tmsk.uitm.edu.my 4 Introduction • Correlation: Do you have a relationship? (Between two quantitative variables‚ x & y) • If you have a relationship: ▫ 1) What is the direction? (+ or -) ▫ 2) What is the strength (r: -1 to +1) #Correlation measures LINEAR relationship. If you have a significant correlation: How well can you predict a subject’s y-score if you know their x-score? Correlation & Regression • Regression and correlation are two concepts used to describe the relationship

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    Solutions (1a) y"+6 y ’+9 y = 0 Set y = e λt λ2 + 6λ + 9 = 0 → λ = −3 → y = ( A + Bx)e −3 x → y ’ = Be −3 x − 3( A + Bx)e −3 x y (0) = 1 ⇒ A = 1 y ’ (0) = −1 ⇒ B − 3 A = −1 ⇒ B = 2 → y = (1 + 2 x)e −3 x (1b) λ2 − 2λ + (1 + 4π 2 ) = 0 → λ = 1 ± 2πi → y = e x [ A cos 2πx + B sin 2πx] y ’ = y + e x [−2πA sin 2πx + 2πB cos 2πx] y (0) = −2 ⇒ A = −2 y ’ (0) = 2(3π − 1) ⇒ 2(3π − 1) = −2 + 2πB ⇒ B = 3 ⇒ y = e x [−2 cos 2πx + 3 sin 2πx] (2a) Try y = Ax 2 + Bx + C y "+2 y ’+10 y = 2 A + 2(

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    Laplace Transforms

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    Laplace Transforms Gilles Cazelais May 2006 Contents 1 Problems 1.1 Laplace Transforms . . . . . . 1.2 Inverse Laplace Transforms . 1.3 Initial Value Problems . . . . 1.4 Step Functions and Impulses 1.5 Convolution . . . . . . . . . . 2 Solutions 2.1 Laplace Transforms . . . . . . 2.2 Inverse Laplace Transforms . 2.3 Initial Value Problems . . . . 2.4 Step Functions and Impulses 2.5 Convolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


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    hacia los valores tradicionales que denuncia la sociedad conservadora y represora‚ la cobardía hacia el cambio‚ la ignorancia‚ la falta de solidaridad‚ la envidia‚ la doble moral y la hipocresía social. Lorca nos pone ante una España rancia‚ en una casa andaluza‚ la casa de Bernarda‚ mujer author itaria y dictatorial sometida al "qué dirán"‚ es decir a la imagen social‚ que decide convertir su casa en un ‘convento de clausura’ y encerrar a sus cinco hijas para evitar los comentarios tendenciosos

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    g(x) ]dx = ò f (x) dx ± d ò Equation of a Curve from Functions of Gradients ò g(x)dx y = y = ò f ’( x ) d x c‚ f (x) + http://mathsmozac.blogspot.com 2 http://sahatmozac.blogspot.com INTEGRATION 1. Integration is the reverse process of differentiation. dy 2. If y is a function of x and = f ’( x) then ò f ’( x)dx = y + c‚ c = constant. dx If dy = f ( x )‚ then dx ò f ( x)dx = y 4.1. Integration of Algebraic Functions Indefinite Integral a) b) ò ò


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    econ6022 homework1 sol

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    Macroeconomic Analysis ECON 6022A Fall 2013 Solutions to Problem Set 1 September 30‚ 2013 1 National Income Accounting ABC Computer Company has a $20‚000‚000 factory in Silicon Valley. During the current year ABC builds $2‚000‚000 worth of computer components. ABC’s costs are labor‚ $1‚000‚000; interest on debt‚ $100‚000; and taxes‚ $200‚000. ABC sells all its output output to XYZ Supercomputer. Using ABC’s components‚ XYZ builds four supercomputers at a cost of $800‚000 each ($500

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    Caso Topy Top

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    industria textil y de confecciones es uno de los sectores manufactureros de mayor importancia para el desarrollo de la economía nacional‚ por sus características y potencial constituye una industria altamente integrada‚ altamente generadora de empleo y que utiliza en gran medida recursos naturales de nuestro país. • En tal sentido la industria textil y confecciones genera demanda a otros sectores‚ como el agrícola por el cultivo del algodón‚ el ganadero‚ por la obtención de pelos finos y lanas; la industria

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    gran impacto en la productividad y el desempeño del personal. El objetivo básico que persigue la función de Recursos Humanos es alinear sus políticas con la estrategia de la organización‚ lo que permitirá implantar la estrategia a través de las personas. Si vemos el caso de Interclean y los descritos a continuación vamos a comprender lo indispensable que es este departamento en empresas exitosas no importando su tamaño ni su estructura financiera y que es el punto que todos tienen

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    Transfer Functions

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    Time-Variant and Linear Time-Invariant Systems Definition 1: A time-variable differential equation is a differential equation with one or more of its coefficients are functions of time‚ t. For example‚ the differential equation: d 2 y( t ) t2 + y( t ) = u ( t ) dt 2 (where u and y are dependent variables) is time-variable since the term t2d2y/dt2 depends explicitly on t through the coefficient t2. An example of a time-varying system is a spacecraft system which the mass of spacecraft changes during

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    Week1 Exercises

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    Don Petersen Week 1 Exercises 12) Write C++ statements that accomplish the following: a) Declare int variables x and y. Initialize x to 25 and y to 18. int x‚ y; x = 25; y = 18; b) Declare and initialize an int variable temp to 10 and a char variable ch to ‘A’. int temp = 10; char ch = ‘A’; c) Update the value of an int variable x by adding 5 to it. x += 5; d) Declare and initialize a double variable payRate to 12.50. double payRate = 12.50; e) Copy the value of an int variable

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