Introduction Insider dealing has been affecting the efficiency of stock markets in different places like United States‚ United Kingdom and Australia. Hong Kong is of no exception. Basically‚ insider dealing refers to the trading of a corporation’s stock or other securities by individual with potential access to non-public information of the company. The law of insider dealing in Hong Kong provides a much more detailed definition and is very comprehensive. However‚ when it comes to enforcement
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Activity 1- Approaches to Dealing with Conflict 1. 5 conflict management styles: i. Ignoring or avoiding the conflict ii. Giving in/ accommodating iii. Aggression/ bullying iv. Compromise/ sitting the difference v. Co-operation/ collaboration 2. Ignoring or avoiding the conflict: Ignoring the pink elephant in the room- pretending the conflict is not there in hopes that it will go away‚ disappear or resolve itself. Positive consequences: Give us
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most controversial topics in our society today is surrogacy; some states have made it illegal while others strongly feel it is okay. So is it right or wrong? The answer is simple. “Surrogacy‚ as a family-building option‚ implicates both the right of privacy and procreative freedom” (McFall and Kalikow 208). Although surrogacy is commonly seen as immoral and wrong‚ women who are unable to have children should be entitled to a surrogate carrier. Infertility is the leading reasons for surrogacy being
Ethical and Legal Behavior In Business Cory Vance Business Law 2301 Mr. Mellon September 16‚ 2012 With the first scenario‚ you need to review the Ethics Checklist. What are the alternatives? One alternative is to say that you had used drugs illegally in your past but for the last three years you have been clean and sober. Everyone has a past so most people can respect the fact that you have been clean and sober. Another thing you want to consider
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3rd Semester Subject Legal Aspects of Business Study center Idea Institute Subject Code MB0051 Date of Submission Master of Business Administration- MBA Semester 3 MB0051-Legal Aspects of Business Assignment Set- 3 (60 Marks) Q.1. “Discharge refers to the termination of contractual relationship between the parties”. Explain the statement along with different modes of discharging a contract. Answer: Discharge refers to the termination of contractual relationship between the parties. The contract
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important to choose an applicable law in the contract ? It is important to choose an applicable law in the contract in order to avoid the conflict of laws between countries. That’s why is necessary to set a procedure of rules that determines which legal system and which jurisdiction apply to a given dispute. The rules typically apply when a legal dispute has a "foreign" element such as a contract agreed to by parties located in different countries‚ although the "foreign" element also exists in multi-jurisdictional
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Right or Wrong Scenario Edgar Munoz Kaplan University LS311 January 13‚ 2015 When looking at the following scenario the plaintiff will go after the store due to the employee is the one that ran over the dog. Theory of vicarious liability is considered in order to claim that a business is responsible for its employee’s actions‚ in this case the employee driving the pregnant lady to the hospital (Miller & Jentz‚ 2010‚ p. 457). Responedeat superior generally states that a business will
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Legal & Ethical Environment of Business DATE: 2/4/2013 Week 1 Assignment PART 1: Follow the link below‚ read the article and analyze the practice of “dumping” dangerous drugs overseas. Can an American company be penalized for marketing a product deemed unsafe by the U.S.‚ if it is not also banned by the foreign
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The Tax & Legal Aspects of Business Project on Legal Aspects Of Business Name :Rimoni Mehta Roll No. :84 M.M.S :Batch “B” Part I Bailment & Pledge Bailment - Bailment is another type of special contract. Since it is a ‘contract’‚ naturally all basic requirements of contract are applicable. - - Bailment means act of delivering goods for a specified purpose on trust. The goods are to be returned after the purpose is over. In bailment‚ possession of goods
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Assess the effectiveness of the criminal justice system when dealing with young offenders The criminal justice system approaches young offenders through unique policies to address the challenges of dealing with juvenile offending. They take special care when dealing with juveniles in order to stop them from repeat offending and stop any potential bad behaviour which could result in future. Juveniles have the highest tendency to rehabilitate and most adopt law-abiding lifestyles as they mature. There
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