neighbourhood of Cordova. He became one of the most renowned surgeons of the Muslim era and was physician to King Al-Hakam-II of Spain. After a long medical career‚ rich with significant original contribution‚ he died in 1013 C.E. He is best known for his early and original breakthroughs in surgery as well as for his famous Medical Ecyclopaedia called Al-Tasrif‚ which is composed of thirty volumes covering different aspects of medical science. The more important part of this series comprises three books on
Premium Avicenna Islamic Golden Age Early Islamic philosophy
it might be found. During most of its history‚ Islamic civilization has been witness to a true celebration of knowledge. That is why every traditional Islamic city possessed public and private libraries‚ and some cities like Cordoba and Baghdad boasted of libraries with over 400‚000 books. Scholars have always been held in the highest esteem (respect) in Islamic society." Libraries in Islamic Cities and in European Cities 1. Islamic culture valued literacy. In the ninth century
Premium Islam Muhammad Islamic Golden Age
most outstanding poet-philosophers of the Indian sub-continent belonging to the modern period. His intellectual genius has reigned supreme in the arena of Islamic philosophy during the twentieth century and is likely to direct and influence the Islamic Intellectual tradition in the twenty first century as well. His sublime poetry and philosophy inspired millions of Muslims to wake up to the reality of the times and forge a destiny for themselves. Iqbal explained evolution on the basis of his religious
Premium Evolution Early Islamic philosophy Muhammad Iqbal
types of schools. “Islamic values” is the universal moral values based on Islam. The madrasah system or deenimadaris‚ religious education institutions focusing on religious Law‚ teachings of the Prophet Muhammad‚ classical logic‚ literature and the Quran‚ but there is no universally fixed course of study. The interpretation of these texts may also vary from one madrasah to another. Early history of Madaris Madrasah or deeni madaris have existed for centuries in the Islamic world‚ including in
Premium Sharia Education Madrasah
Imam Al-Ghazali’s Concept of Education Imam al-Ghazali is one of the greatest reformers Islam has produced. His multifaceted service for Din has been acclaimed by the academia through centuries. One of his masterpieces is the Ihya Ulum al-Din (the regeneration of sciences). ‘Ulama say that‚ should all the books on different disciplines be burnt out‚ this book is sufficient to recreate them. One of the most appealing topics of this book is the chapter on Knowledge‚ where the great Imam shed light
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Fayyaz Ahamed Professor Rashid Arabic 1A 27 November 2014 Literature throughout Arab and Islamic History The culture of Arabic-speaking people throughout history has been expressed greatly by the written word of the people‚ and to an almost equal degree‚ the spoken word. Even before the advent of Islam on the Arabian Peninsula‚ poetry was representative of the Arabic culture. As Islam spread across the Mediterranean and the world‚ great mathematicians and scientists wrote works‚ treatises‚ compilations
Premium Arab Early Islamic philosophy Egypt
The Effect of Islamic Work Ethics on Job Satisfaction‚ Organizational Commitment and Turnover intention in Pakistan Ijaz Ahmad MS Management Science‚ Riphah International University‚ Islamabad‚ Pakistan Email: Abstract Principles of Islam cover all aspects of whole life also including working in any organization. This research was conducted to check the affect of Islamic work ethic on job satisfaction‚ organizational commitment and turnover intention. The study used
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sustainable development‚ OPEC‚ third world countries‚ etc. All these concepts have early sparked my awareness of the complexity and broadness of Global affairs‚ besides the elusive character of social sciences in general. They made me more eager to understand the roots and depths of politics‚ which I embraced by recurring to specialized scholarship later on. Our philosophy‚ by Mohamed Baqer Sadr‚ was the first philosophy book I ever read. It was a comparative study of the famous philosophical schools
Premium Islam Religion Globalization
life. If it is our thoughts that initiate evil‚ are all humans evil? Philosopher John Locke theorized his “tabula rasa”‚ the blank slate. Locke said that people were neither born good or evil‚ they are instead born a blank slate. I use Locke’s philosophy to add to my point‚ people cannot be innately evil‚ or good for that matter‚ because at the very beginning of our existence we have no idea of what it means to be either good or evil. If we do not know what either side of the spectrum is‚ we cannot
Premium Tabula rasa John Locke Early Islamic philosophy
07 MAY 2013 THE MANAGER MERALCO BACOOR BRANCH CAVITE CITY ATTENTION: MS ROSE PARUNGAO PROCESS SUPPORT STAFF RE: INSPECTION of METERING INSTALLATION with SIN 208 361 401. Dear Sir/Madam: I write to you to ask for a re-evaluation or re-investigation on the incident which happened last JANUARY 31‚ 2009. Apparently‚ your inspection of our meeting installation yielded the finding that there exists a 2-LINE JUMPER. It is saddening to note that I am not aware of the existence
Premium Existence Cavite Metaphysics