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    Ng Boon Peng Title: Case Study On Nando’s Restaurant Date: 14/5/2014 Student ID: 32503102 Content Page Introduction Environment Analysis 2.1: Internal and External factors for Nando’s SWOT Analysis Table 1.: SWOT Analysis PEST Analysis Table 2.: PEST analysis Conclusions Appendix Introduction This report is to outline business analysis on Nando’s restaurant in Singapore. In this report‚ we will perform environment analysis on the market in Singapore. We will make use of SWOT analysis

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    Pest Analysis

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    PEST Analyses A PEST analysis (also sometimes called a STEP‚ PESTLE or STEEP analysis) looks at the external business environment. PEST stands for Political‚ Economic‚ Sociocultural and Technological. Technological factors in this case‚ include ecological / environmental aspects - the second E in STEEP and PESTLE‚ while legislative factors are included under Political (the L in PESTLE). The analysis examines the impact of each of these factors (and their interplay with each other) on the business

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    Pest Analysis

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    The PEST or PESTLE Analysis templates PESTLE analysis template Other than the main headings‚ the questions and issues in the template below are examples and not exhaustive - add your own and amend these prompts to suit your situation‚ the experience and skill level of whoever is completing the analysis‚ and what you aim to produce from the analysis. The context upon which a PESTLE analysis is undertaken can help to determine how to interpret facts and information discovered. |PEST/ PESTLE Analysis

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    Pest Analysis

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    What is PESTLE Analysis? Originally known as PEST Analysis‚ this is a macro environmental framework used to understand the impact of the external factors on the organization and is used as strategic analytical technique. PEST stands for "Political‚ Economic‚ Social‚ and Technological” factors. Francis Aguilar is referred to as the originator of this tool. He talked about ETPS – Economic‚ Technological‚ Political‚ and Social– as the four important factors for Scanning the Business Environment

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    Pest Analysis

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    A LEVEL OF ACHIEVEMENT BUSINESS STUDIES A LEVEL RESOURCES. Issue 3 Sept 2004 Page 1 PEST Analysis A PEST analysis examines the Political‚ Economic‚ Social and Technological environments that affect industries and companies. (PEST analysis is also known STEP analysis). It is now recognised by marketing professionals that in the longer term survival and success of a business is dependant upon the external environment a business operates within. It is not enough to say we have the right marketing

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    Pest Analysis

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    PEST Analysis Understanding "Big Picture" Forces of Change (Also known as PESTLE‚ PESTEL‚ PESTLIED‚ STEEPLE and SLEPT Analysis) PEST Analysis is a simple‚ useful and widely-used tool that helps you understand the "big picture" of your Political‚ Economic‚ Socio-Cultural and Technological environment. As such‚ it is used by business leaders worldwide to build their vision of the future. It is important for these reasons: • First‚ by making effective use of PEST Analysis‚ you ensure that what

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    Pest Analysis

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    tais como: clientes externos‚ agentes e distribuidores‚ fornecedores‚ a competição‚ etc. 3. Factores macro-ambientais‚ tais como: Poderes Políticos (e legais)‚ poderes económicos‚ Sócio-cultural e Tecnológicos. Estes são conhecidos como factores PEST. [pic] Factores Políticos A área política representa enorme influência sobre as regras empresariais‚ e o poder de compra de clientes e outras empresas. Você sempre deve considerar factores como: 1. Quanto estável é o ambiente político? 2. Poderão

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    Pest on Unilever

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    Pest Analysis On Unilever - December 2nd‚ 2010 ________________________________________ Unilever is an Anglo-Dutch multinational corporation that owns many of the world’s consumer product brands in foods‚ beverages‚ cleaning agents and personal care products. Unilever is a dual-listed company consisting of Unilever N.V. in Rotterdam‚ The Netherlands and Unilever PLC in London‚ United Kingdom. This arrangement is similar to those of Reed Elsevier and Royal Dutch Shell prior to their unified

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    Pest Analysis

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    advantage of changewithin the environments in which it operates.PEST analysis is used to identify the external forces affectingan organisation .This is a simple analysis of an organisation’sPolitical‚ Economical‚ Social and Technological environment.A PEST analysis incorporating legal and environmentalfactors is called a PESTLE analysis. 3.  P for POLITICAL FACTORS E for ECONOMIC FACTORS S for SOCIAL FACTORS T for TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS 4.  Legislation such as the minimum wage or anti discrimination

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    Pest Analysis

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    PEST analysis A PEST analysis is used to identify the external forces affecting an organisation .This is a simple analysis of an organisation’s Political‚ Economical‚ Social and Technological environment. A PEST analysis incorporating legal and environmental factors is called a PESTLE analysis. Political The first element of a PEST analysis is a study of political factors. Political factors influence organisations in many ways. Political factors can create advantages and opportunities for

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