Christenson English 9 May 19‚ 2010 The Lesson of Romeo and Juliet What happens when you are in love with an enemy of your family? In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet this is just the case. Romeo and Juliet are two teenagers madly in love with each other‚ yet their families are at war. The two of them take all the risks to be together and deceive their parents time and time again. Many spectators of this play say that the lesson of Romeo and Juliet is that children should not deceive their parents
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so tragic deaths. In William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet this exactly happens. The characters in Romeo and Juliet play a vital role in the ending of the story. Initially‚ the feuding households‚ Montague and Capulet‚ were the reason that Romeo and Juliet could not be together and the reason why they both died in the end. Before the play begins‚ it tells us that the Montague and Capulet homes are against each other. In the beginning of Romeo and Juliet fell in love but from the start‚ they knew
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In the play Romeo & Juliet‚ William Shakespeare utilizes opposites in both the thoughts and actions of the characters in Romeo and Juliet. Outlined are contrasts of crime and violence versus peace and law‚ love versus hate‚ and young versus old. <br> <br>The uses of crime & violence versus peace and law are demonstrated in Act 3‚ Scene 1. Tybalt and Mercutio exchange remarks back and forth‚ when Benvolio steps in and encourages them to stop. <br> <br>Mercutio: Consort? What‚ dost thou make us minstrels
Romeo and Juliet is a tragic tale about two teens truly in love‚ and willing to sacrifice anything for the continuance of their relationship. These characters found love at first sight and were eager to do anything to be with each other. Some may view their relationship to be teens lost in lust‚ but Romeo and Juliet were lucky enough to find their soulmate and weren’t going to abandon it. Romeo and Juliet first meet at the Capulet’s party‚ and instantly felt an attraction towards one another.
daughter’s untimely end?” Throughout the play many factors play a role in Romeo and Juliet’s death.The young lovers parent’s‚ Romeo and Juliet‚ and even fate are all to blame for the violent end to Romeo and Juliet’s love story. The Capulet and Montagues have a feud as old as time. Two rivals households that are always at each others throats have the unthinkable happen to them. Their children fall in love with one another. Romeo and Juliet
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“Ignorance is a poison that kills love‚ friendship‚ and all the good feelings.” ~unknown. In The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet ‚ written by William Shakespeare‚ a pair of star crossed lovers take their life. Romeo and Juliet take their own lives because of the man they trusted the most‚ Friar Lawrence. Lawrence’s carelessness and ignorance in his actions cause the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Lawrence’s carelessness was very evident when he was trying to help the lovers get back together but
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Romeo and Juliet essay Baz Lurhman’s modern film interpretation of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet has been a very successful transformation of the classic‚ original play to a modern context of Los. Angelos gang warfare. Lurhman’s film manages to relate the 16th century play to a modern audience while at the same time maintaining textual integrity of the play. He has retained the plot‚ and language of the original text at the same time as conveying Shakespeare’s
Free Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy that was written by the famous William Shakespeare and soon became a classic play known to the world. The tragedy/romance play was published in 1597 and for 420 years‚ has taken effect on several millions of students in either a positive or negative way. Throughout centuries‚ this play has been acted out and has been adapted into movies to project several themes to the audience. Although there is a life lesson of the importance of communication‚ it also projects the
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Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is a romantic tragedy set in Verona Italy. All three characters‚ Mercutio‚ Friar Lawrence and the Nurse play a role in the death of Romeo and Juliet. Mercutio’s self-centred personality‚ Friar Lawrence’s negligence in delivering the letter and the Nurse’s motherly love all contributed to Rome and Juliet’s demise. Mercutio’s irrational actions partly contributed to his death consequently affecting the outcome of Romeo and Juliet. Mercutio’s stubborn and self-centred
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Mermaid? Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare about two young star-crossed lovers whose deaths ended a feud. Romeo and Juliet is one of the most popular plays during Shakespeare’s lifetime. Throughout Romeo and Juliet‚ Shakespeare uses religious imagery a lot‚ especially concerning the young couple. Their relationship is full of passionate love and hate‚ and they sacrifice everything to be together. From the beginning‚ the author tells that the story of Romeo and Juliet will