"Explain child protection within the wider concept of safeguarding children and young people" Essays and Research Papers

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    Task a Childcare may be provided within a variety of settings‚ from a childminders home through to a purpose built building‚ making it difficult to be too prescriptive about how a safe environment can be achieved. The obvious starting point is to ensure that basic principles are being followed; for example‚ no matter how good the security of a building is‚ the doors must be closed properly in the first place‚ otherwise all other efforts are likely to be worthless. The message that safety begins

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    relationships with childrenyoung people and adults Area 1 - Principles Effective communication is the key for developing and maintaining positive relationships with others. It helps build trust and encourage others to seek advices and share relevant information. We can strengthen or weaken someone’s trust in us by what we say and do. To strengthen a relationship‚ be honest and open with them‚ and try to understand their point of views. Help develop a relationship with children by doing things

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    requirements required within the EYFS can affect a child’s development and potential. Within our setting we value parent’s participation as they are the child’s main educators‚ we are available at all times to speak with parents about their child or any concerns they have. We hope parents will see our setting as a safe and secure place that they can leave their children. We have a key person system that enables us to have a positive attachment with parents and child. We encourage children to explore our

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    Principles of safeguarding and protection in health and social care 1.1 Define the following types of abuse: Physical abuse Physical abuse is any non accidental act of violence or rough treatment that causes physical injury‚ pain or discomfort. Examples of physical abuse include: Beating - e.g. Punching‚ pinching‚ shoving‚ striking with hand or other instrument Burning and scalding Rough handling or physical coercion Stabbing Tripping Spitting Restraining to furniture The misuse of physical restraints

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    Children and young mans

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    procedures within their placement. The second part of the visit consists of a direct observation‚ in which the learner must demonstrate a range of communication methods‚ adapting the style to meet the needs of the child/children with whom they are working. The learner will need to read a story to a small group of children. Learner name: Becky Ferris Assessor name: Kath Dineen Date: 15th January 2013 Professional discussion: topics to discuss Comments Learners need to explain confidentiality

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    Childhood and Young People

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    Unit 203 Communication and professional relationships with childrenyoung people and adults Assignment overview Introduction This assignment is intended to provide evidence of a candidate’s knowledge‚ understanding and skills required to support communication and professional relationships with children and young people and adults. By completing all tasks within the assignment the candidate will provide evidence that meets the Learning Outcomes and assessment criteria of Unit 203 Communication

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    Learning and Young Children

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    CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (QCF) CACHE Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (QCF) CACHE © Copyright 2011 All rights reserved worldwide. Reproduction by approved CACHE centres is permissible for internal use under the following conditions: CACHE has provided this Qualification Specification (Optional Units) in Microsoft Word format to enable its Centres to use its content more flexibly within their own course materials. You

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    unauthorised and improper use of funds‚ property and any other resources belonging to another person. Examples are: Forcing someone to change their will to include them in it‚ preventing people access to their own money‚ properties and personal belongings. Institutional abuse is an unsatisfactory regime within and organisation. This occurs when staff change the routines systems and support they give clients to suit their needs‚ rather than the clients. This involves a system that is stretched beyond

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    development in children and young people’s setting In this assignment‚ I am writing about the duties and responsibilities of my work role and the expectation of my work role. In my job‚ I must be responsible be being respectful toward other people I am working with‚ be professional at all time. To be encouraging toward the children‚ to be organised and to show that I am interested in the children and their parent. To work with parent to ensure a safe environment for the children. Encourage creative

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    and Professional Relationships with Children Young People and Adults Interacting with and Responding to with Children and Young People [TDA2.3  –  1.1‚1.2‚1.3‚1.4‚ 2.1‚ 2.2]   CHILDREN & YOUNG PEOPLE 1) How to establish respectful‚ professional relationships with children and young people You’ll need to change your behaviour and method of communication when establishing respectful‚ professional relationships with children and young people. This can be done making yourself more

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