living morally‚ resulting from the diversity of experience‚ will conflict in how they determine what these principles are. Thus‚ these ethical frameworks will hold different conceptions of ethical practice and what services such as Youth and Community work should deliver. This essay will attempt to show the importance of understanding how different moral perspectives have influenced the practice of Youth and Community work‚ before describing three contending ethical frameworks of deontology‚ consequentialism
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TDA 3.1: Communication and professional relationships with children‚ young people and adults 1.1 Explain why effective communication is important in developing positive relationships with children young people and adults. Effective communication is very important in developing positive relationships with children young people and adults because this allows to build a good rapport with people. This also produces a sense of responsibility and belonging which builds trust. If a person has good
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Explain different sociological approaches to health and ill health There are many sociological approaches that explain health and ill health. In this assignment I will be focusing on Marxism‚ feminism‚ interactionaist and functionalism perspectives. The Marxist perspective believe that the bourgeoisie (middle class) exploit the proletariat (working class) as we live in a capitalist system and that if we lived in an communist society that would be our ideal society because there would be equality
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Outcome 1 Know the structure of education from early years to post compulsory education. 1.1 Summarise entitlement and provision for early years education. Since 2004 local education authorities‚ funded by the government ensured that every child in the UK aged three and four years old have been entitled to free places at nursery or another preschool setting (including childminders). From 1st September 2010 the Government extended these hours from 12.5 to 15 hours for up to 38 weeks of the year
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EYMP1 1.1 Explain the legal status and principles of the relevant early years framework‚ and how national and local guidance materials are used in settings All practitioners should understand and know the framework for Early Years provision used within the relevant United Kingdom home nation. The first and main principle of the EYFS is to achieve the five outcomes of the ECM of staying safe‚ enjoying and achieving‚ making a contribution and achieving economic well-being. Since September
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Respecting Childrens voices in Early Years Education Children are our future. We as educators get to make an influence which allows us to bring out the best in children in all aspects of their early years. So why wouldn’t we help the future aeronauts‚ doctors‚ electricians have their say in how they want to learn? why wouldn’t we want to help children grow and evolve based on what they are interested in‚ that could be their future roles and dreams? Allowing children to voice their interests and
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CU1533 Context and principles for early year’s provision. Understand the purposes and principles of early years frameworks There are four nations which have different approaches to planning and delivery of education. England has the curriculum for children aged 0-5 years; this applies to child-minders as well as after-School clubs‚ as well of Nurseries‚ Pre-Schools‚ and Schools. The areas of development are personal‚ social and emotional development‚ Communication language and literacy‚
Free Learning Developmental psychology The Child
Assessment Title: State Support: State Provision for Children – ASG1 1) Historical Development of the ECCE. The development of the ECCE sector in Ireland has been gradual and in the past decade state contribution has considerable increased. The Early Childhood Care & Education Scheme is a Government funded enterprise that provides one free pre-school year to every child in Ireland between 3-5 years. The main drive behind the development of the ECCE was the booming economy‚ this
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to discuss my developing practice and how as a childminder I ensure my setting meets the requirements of the curriculum which I follow. This is based on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS‚ DfES‚ 2007)‚ whilst still keeping true to my own beliefs in the best environment for learning to meet the needs of all the children whom attend my setting. My setting has eleven children enrolled‚ from one to ten years; all children are able bodied‚ although some have specific behavioural needs. I belong
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Afiya Hinds 733788 Unit 8 (P2) – Explain different psychological approaches to health practice. (P3) – Explain different psychological approaches to social care practice. In this criterion‚ the different psychological approaches to health practice and social care practice will be outlined and explained. Health practice is the act of a care professional that performs activities‚ methods and treatments in order to keep an individual health whether it is to do with diet‚ exercise‚ or bad habits
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