7-11 Case Assignment 1. Make a bullet point list of the efforts that 7-11 Japan has made in each of the categories above‚ listing as many examples as possible for each category. Information systems Online ordering system Point of Sale (POS) Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN) Internet/Intranet & Satellite communications Fiber Optic Network Location/Trade Analysis (LTA) Wireless LAN Graphic Order Terminal (GOT) Scanner Terminals Handheld computers Data analysis and decision
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Q1. Evaluate 7-Eleven’s competitive advantage using the Michael Potter’s Five Forces model. 7-Eleven‚ the largest convenience retailer store in the world has been operating in more than 15 countries and well known as franchise business that operated by independent business operators running local neighborhood stores. Despite the intense competition in the market‚ 7-Eleven has struggled to maintain their leader position in the market. In order to sustain their competitive
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Tanglewood Case Study 7 Mgmt 364 Staffing Abby Gilpin Question 2: The top 3 candidates will be Max Renoir‚ Thomas Reznor and James Heckman based on using the Compensatory Model. When looking at these 3 candidates they are the strongest in the unit weight with 70‚ 73 and 76 respectively and rational weight with 67.5‚ 69 and 76 respectively. Reznor and Renior have done well on the testing‚ conscientiousness and extraversion. Heckman’s testing was not outstanding‚ but his scores for conscientiousness
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now have over 10‚000 stores in Japan. In restructuring our convenience store business‚ it has become necessary to implement consolidated management of both our domestic and international convenience store businesses‚ such as that of our US subsidiary‚ 7-Eleven‚ Inc. The franchise business model in itself serves to strengthen the internal control function and selfinnovation‚ and we at Seven-Eleven Japan intend to fulfill our "corporate responsibilities" and "corporate social responsibilities"‚ in particular
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Chapter 1 – Introduction to Data Communications Th is is th e b egin n in g of a cu m u la tive ca s e s tu d y a b ou t a fictit iou s fir m we ca ll Next-Da y Air S er vice (NDAS ). Th e ca s e s t u d y b egin s h er e in Ch a p ter 1 a n d con tin u es th r ou gh ou t th e r es t of th e b ook . It r equ ir es you to com p lete ta s k s th a t a r e r ela ted to top ics cover ed in ea ch cor r es p on d in g ch a p ter of th e text. Th e en d of ea ch ch a p ter con ta in s th e ca s e n
Lesson 7 Case Studies Milan Shrestha International American University MGT 500 : Organizational Behavior and Leadership Sushil Pant October 21‚ 2014 Chapter 13 Leading Effective Teams The given case is about leading team with effectiveness. The case relates to Soda Can Company where I am working as an Executive Director for the company. Soda Can Company is planning to open a new store and I have to put together a strong team quickly to cover up and perform the task quickly. I have to
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Fig.7. (A) statistical results of modified Garcia scores after 1day to 7day in mice.The results showed that the Necrostatin-1 group was higher than that of the Dmso group and the ICH group‚on the 2 days after operation‚ the score of Necrostatin-1 group was increased (*P < 0.05 vs Dmso group)‚4day‚ 7day‚Necrostatin-1 group is higher than ICH group ( *P < 0.05 vs ICH group).(B)Statistical results from 1 days to 7 days after test Corner in mice‚In 2 days‚ 4-7 days‚Necrostatin-1 group of mice‚ the number
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Week 7 Ecosystems and Environment Organisms and Their Environment CLICK link below to hear a Science Course Mentor provide an overview to this section‚ “Organisms and their Environment”: http://wgu.connectpro.acrobat.com/p35559917/ Use Chapter 21‚ Conceptual Integrated Science‚ to address the following items in your notes: 1. What are abiotic and biotic factors? ABIOTIC is non living things such as temperature‚ precipitation ponds‚ rocks‚ sunlight and so forth. Abiotic also includes BIOTIC
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BA 465 I. Current Situation A. Current Performance: How did the corporation perform the past year overall in terms of return on investment‚ market share‚ and profitability? B. Strategic Posture What are the corporation’s current mission‚ objectives‚ strategies‚ and policies? 1. Are they clearly stated‚ or are they merely implied from performance? 2. Mission: What business( es) is the corporation in? Why? 3. Objectives: What are the corporate‚ business‚ and functional objectives? Are they
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Unit 7 case study Mark E. Millage Jr. Kaplan University HN220 The first thing I would do in this case would be to introduce myself and let Mike and Sally know that I am going to do my best to get them through this rough time in their lives. I would then ask them both to tell me how they feel and try to better understand the situation and build rapport with the both of them. After this I would begin to deal with how Sally is feeling because it seems as though she is taking
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