"Garbage problems due to tourism in goa" Essays and Research Papers

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    Italian Tourism

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    information do you want? 1. Statement of the Problem: Problem: Italy is falling short in terms of tourism numbers. We want to boost tourism numbers by encouraging more tourists from a younger generation. History of the issue: Italy has been in the top five most popular tourist countries based on the amount of arrivals in a given year for the past five years. Current Information on the issue: Intended Outcome of the Planned Campaign: Italian tourism increased 5.7% from 2010 to 2011 but countries

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    Virtual Tourism

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    Virtual Reality The definition of virtual reality comes‚ naturally‚ from the definitions for both ‘virtual’ and ‘reality’. The definition of ‘virtual’ is near and reality is what we experience as human beings. So the term ‘virtual reality’ basically means ‘near-reality’. This could‚ of course‚ mean anything but it usually refers to a specific type of reality emulation. So what is virtual reality? Answering "what is virtual reality" in technical terms is straight-forward. Virtual reality

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    Cultural Tourism

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    Cultural tourism is referred to the kind of tourism‚ which is concerned with the culture of a specific region or country‚ particularly in the arts. It basically focuses on the traditional communities that have diverse customs as well as the forms of art and the distinct social practices that distinguish a certain culture from the others. It would include tourism in the urban areas and even the historic and large cities‚ including facilities like theaters and museums. It also includes this in the

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    tourism on ice

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    Tourism On Ice – Case Study People go to Chamonix for Winter Sports and Sightseeing Tourism has Economic‚ Social and Environmental Impacts on the Region Economic Impacts: 1) The TOURISM INDUSTURY in Chamonix creates a lot of JOBS‚ e.g. 2500 PEOPLE work as SEASONAL WORKERS every year. 2) Companies make a LOT OF MONEY from tourism in Chamonix‚ e.g. Compagnie du Mont Blanc is a company that runs SKI LIFTS and RAIL TRANSPORT – it has a turnover of €50 MILLION. Social Impacts:

    Premium Tourism Paris World Tourism Organization

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    Tourism Experience

    • 3143 Words
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    Abstract: There has been considerable attention focused on the tourism experience over the past decades‚ and a handful of studies are consistently conducted to explore how to successfully create and manage tourism experience. This essay aims to concentrate on the key constructs that associated with experience economy and apply them to a specific case (Dreamworld) to gain the implications for the development of tourism system. Keywords: tourism experiences‚ characteristics‚ memorable‚ five design principles

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    Myanmar Tourism

    • 2545 Words
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    MYANMAR(BURMA) Introduction Myanmar well known us Burma. Myanmar sits at the crossroads of Asia’s great civilisations of India and China‚ and looks out onto the vast Indian Ocean next to Thailand. One of South East Asia’s largest and most diverse countries‚ Myanmar stretches from the sparkling islands of the Andaman Sea in the south right up into the Eastern Himalayan mountain range.  To this day Myanmar remains one of the most mysterious and undiscovered destinations in the world. A land of

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    Sustainable Tourism

    • 435 Words
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    state-initiated plan for regional tourism development. Yu Hong (2011) The economic and tourism development story of Hainan has now been questioned and criticized with little involvement by the local minority community and their little gains from local tourism boom. “Under this top-down tourism planning‚ a triangular axis of the central government‚ various ministries and powerful external force such as property developers has overwhelmingly dominated regional tourism development in Hainan and enjoyed

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    Tourism Overview

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    also to sum up the vivid world of tourism. The subject matters introduce the students to the socioeconomic‚ environmental and cultural impact of the tourism industry. It also gives an overview of the travel sectors – their development‚ composition‚ and role in tourism as well as the different trends and types of operation of each sector. ◙ Desired learning Results At the end of the semester‚ the students should able to: 1. Understand how tourism works and how it can be made to work

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    What is Tourism?

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    PROFESSOR: TANYA JOYNER DATE: MARCH22.2013 TEST: CHAPTER 9 NAME: LU QIONGQIONG(JENNY) 1 what can tourism be defined as? Tourism can be defined as the idea of attracting‚ accommodating‚ and pleasing groups or individuals traveling for pleasure or business. It is categorized by geography‚ ownership‚ function‚ industry‚ and travel motive. 2 business travels has increased in recent years due to what? Business travel has increased in recent years as a result of the growth of convention centers

    Premium World Tourism Organization Travel Sociology

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    Thailand Tourism

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    1. Introduction The World Tourism Organisation affiliated to United Nations and recognised as the leading international body on global tourism states that tourism is “ the activities of person travelling to and staying in places outside their usual environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure‚ business and other purposes” (WTO 2011). Travel and tourism is a very important economic activity around the world and it is the largest service industry in the world (WTTC 2011).

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