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    Defination of Values.

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    INTRODUCTION DEFINATION OF VALUES Basic convictions that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence if personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct and end-state of existence. When we rank an individual’s value in terms their intensity‚ we obtain that person’s value system. This system is identified by the relative importance we assign to values such as freedom‚ pleasure‚ self-respect‚ honesty‚ obedience‚ and equality. IMPORTANCE OF VALUES Values are

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    saying can be also used in the culture. For that reason‚ different cultures would make people have different behaviours.Culture can be defines as “the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one human group from another” (Hofstede 1984‚ p: 21). Culture is consisting of language‚ political‚ values‚ belief‚ food‚ cloth‚ etc. And those elements make people have different behaviours. Therefore‚ there are significance differences between two cultures and so does two national cultures

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    The Power Distance - Power distance describes the degree of equality between different people within a particular society or group. Also described Hofstede‚ as: “power distance is the extent to which people expect and are willing to accept that power is distributed unequally. Inequality of power is a basic fact of life. It cannot be 100% eliminated. It is impossible to have no power distance‚ because this means that everyone is exactly equal (skills‚ actions‚ genetics etc) unless you are on about

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    referenced in many scholarly writings for the past few decades. Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimensions have been analyzed through a study of different cultures. Saudi Arabia has been studied along with many different countries in the Arab World. [ (Hofstede‚ 2009) ] Many of the numbers‚ though relevant‚ may not fully describe the orientations of the people in Saudi Arabia since there are more countries than just Saudi Arabia under the Arab World’s cultural dimension scores. The individualism score

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    The Cultural Challenges of Doing Business Overseas Nancy Kelley University of Phoenix MBA 501: Forces Influencing Business in the 21st Century A. Lutz February 2007 Globalization and overseas business expansion has brought about the need for in-depth understanding of culture differentiation. When conducting or contemplating cross cultural business ventures‚ it is important to understand the culture before communicating one ’s desires. This paper will focus on the cross cultural challenges

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    hoefstedes cases

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    advances that in dealing with matters of culture in the international domain‚ the point in question is how these cultural issues are managed and not the mere existence of the same that determines the success or failures of organisations. Keywords: Hofstede‚ National culture‚ Organisational culture‚ Multi-national companies 1. Introduction Culture affects and governs all facets of life by influencing values‚ attitudes and behaviours of a society. The culture of an organisation relates to the unique

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    References: Frost‚ Alan. Introducing Hofstede’s Five Dimensions. March 1st‚ 2013. http://restaurantkyoto.dk/blog/en/hofstedes-five-dimensions/ (accessed March 5th‚ 2015). —. Japanese Culture and Hofstede’s Five Dimensions. Feb 28th‚ 2013. http://restaurantkyoto.dk/blog/en/japanese-culture/ (accessed March 5th‚ 2015). Itim International. THE HOFSTEDE CENTRE. n.d. http://geert-hofstede.com/china.html (accessed MARCH 5TH‚ 2015). Kriss‚ Simon. Hofstede’s Five Cultural Dimensions. May

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    Cross-Cultural Awareness

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    ingroups and outgroups. On the other hand‚ in high-context cultures (Japan‚ Arab countries) the message is unclear and it ’s difficult to be entered if the person is an outsider. Another academic known for his research in the field is Geert Hofstede. He developed four cultural dimensions – power distance‚ individualism‚ uncertainty avoidance and masculinity. Power distance is the emotional distance between superiors and subordinates. It ’s concerned with a society ’s level of inequality. Individualism

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    Understanding Hofstede’s 5 Cultural Dimensions Geert Hofstede devoted over a decade to researching cultural differences and developed an internationally recognized model of cultural dimensions. There are five main dimensions of culture that serve as a guide to understanding intercultural communications‚ business‚ and effective social exchange. The five dimensions are Power Distance‚ Individualism‚ Masculinity‚ Uncertainty Avoidance‚ and Long-Term Orientation and were developed to provide a method

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    Culture Difference

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    Globalization Note Series Pankaj Ghemawat and Sebastian Reiche National Cultural Differences and Multinational Business The eminent Dutch psychologist‚ management researcher‚ and culture expert Geert Hofstede‚ early in his career‚ interviewed unsuccessfully for an engineering job with an American company. Later‚ he wrote of typical cross-cultural misunderstandings that crop up when American managers interview Dutch recruits and vice versa: “American applicants‚ to Dutch eyes‚ oversell themselves

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