“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines‚ sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover。” Mark Twain When you travel the world‚ you have the opportunity to experience different cultures and meet new people. It is inevitable that through these experiences you will learn a lot about yourself. Who you are as a person and what you want out of life might very
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Long Hair vs. Short hair Why do most people wish for long hair? Is it because of the statement “long hair‚ don’t care” used by people who really don’t have long hair‚ but in their eyes‚ they do. Or is it because they just wish they had more hair blowing when it is a windy day. Why can’t women just be satisfied with their short hair? They instead choose to get extensions and weaves and tell people that it is theirs. It seems that the women who want long hair don’t look right with it and those who
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Monitoring SCOPE – This Engineering Specification includes external and internal corrosion control and monitoring for DOT regulated pipelines. – Design‚ construction‚ construction inspection‚ construction acceptance‚ operation‚ and maintenance of DOT regulated pipelines are covered by this Engineering Specification. ABC Chemical Complex 2 Corrosion Control &Monitoring GENERAL – All DOT regulated ABC pipelines require protection from the environment. – Corrosive elements in the pipeline stream must
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Quotation Response “These days I live in three worlds: my dreams‚ the experiences of my new life‚ which trigger memories from the past” (20). This quote is important because Ishmael Beah is still haunted by nightmares of his time fighting the war. I chose this because it is important to know that his new life is unfamiliar to him. “Things changed rapidly in a matter of seconds and no one had any control over anything. We had yet to learn these things and implement survival tactics‚ which
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 0.1 0.1.1 GENERAL Nylon Tyre Cord: Nylon tyre cord is made from high tenacity continuous filament yarn by twisting and plying. There are two major types of nylons used as tyre cord‚ i.e. nylon-6 and nylon-6‚6. The properties of nylon-6 and nylon-6‚6 vary marginally and are controlled by the manufacturing process‚ type of stabilisers and additives used. In India only nylon-6 is produced commercially for tyre cord. Thetypesofnylon-6tyrecordusedinIndiaare840/2‚1260/2‚1260/3‚
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I am truly interested in being one of the scholars of XXXX. I need a scholarship to help my parents pay for my costly tuition fees. Even though my father has a stable job‚ it is not enough for my parents to simultaneously support their three children in college. I am in need of financial assistance in order to attend college because I am a low-income student. I am the first child to attend the college. Although my parents gave me many supports‚ I received a limited financial assistance due to low
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What is Shark Finning? Why is it such a vicious practice and why do people do it? Shark Finning is an atrocious practice of cutting off the shark’s fins and tossing the shark‚ still alive‚ back to the water; this practice is illegal but it is practiced anyways and it’s quite serious as some shark are in the edge of extinction. Once the fins have been cut off‚ the shark is thrown back to the water and it slowly dies. The shark may either drown‚ bleed to death or be eaten by other creatures
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I would love to go on the Washington D.C. trip with the Immokalee Foundation because I want to discover new things and enjoy with my peers‚ and I want to take the opportunity that Immokalee Foundation is giving me to be close to the government of my country‚ explore the congress buildings‚ and maybe with a little more luck the white house‚ which I believe would be a great honor for me. I feel like I am going to learn new things and apply them to the future‚ like a way to give my country what they
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people still we are slave. I would like to ask some question. Our ancestor died because they thought our new generation will take breath in independent country. And they did well. But could we save our country? At that time when Pakistan became as an independent country because there was a nation who wanted an independent country… but now a days Pakistan need 1 nation. Who can save Pakistan? So should we take stand…? Or not……? so‚the things that are pretty much easy to do‚he things which can ultimately
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About only two years after his last poem which is "Don’t Go to Gentle into Good Night"‚ was a villanelle to his father while he was dying. In the first stanza of "Don’t Go to Gentle into Good Night"‚ the speaker addresses someone by tilling him or her that "Don’t Go to Gentle into Good Night"‚ because at the first he use mysterious figure‚ but in the end of the line three it becomes clear that his image means death. Based on this line "Old age should burn and rave at close of
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