develop a training program for in-service officers‚ what subject matter relevant to 21st century policing would you develop? If I were developing a training program for in-service officers‚ I would focus on technology and how to leverage it by law enforcement officers. There are many resources out there that if used it could benefit the budget‚ responsiveness‚ and overall quality. 2. What aspects of training do you believe most need evaluation and what methods would you develop to evaluate today’s
Premium Management Human resource management Project management
bad thing in the criminal justice field. Alcohol and drug abuse plagues cops everywhere. There are many suggestions for programs and treatment ideas for these problems that plague our law enforcement officers. Job stress can’t be avoided in any job field. It especially can’t be avoided in the field of law enforcement. Job stress can come from many sources. Having to exercise prudent discretion all the time‚ the threat of using violence and having violence used against them‚ and isolation from the
Premium Addiction Drug addiction Stress
Law enforcement is now using social media and that is not a good thing. Do to the face that tales away any type of free speech in a way. People are going to way paranoid about posting anything even if has nothing to do with braking the law or even coming close to it. They could post something like hold a red cup and them being like fourteen they could think that it is underage drinking. Law enforcement using social media is a bad thing. If you post a picture of you holding a red solo cup and you
Premium Internet Mobile phone Facebook
Race and Ethnicity in Law Enforcement Hiring 1 Race and ethnicity play a significant role in law enforcement. This is true in both how communities are policed‚ as well as what the racial and ethnic make up is of a law enforcement entity. On the application at the police department I work for‚ there is verbiage that says‚ “Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.” Why is this present? It may be that the department really does want women and minorities to apply‚ (I believe this
Premium Police Law enforcement agency United States
Police And Law Enforcement Response Checklist 1 Police and Law Enforcement Response Checkpoint Amanda Robertson CJS/200 8/3/2013
Premium Police Crime Criminal justice
Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? The police are an organization dedicated to enforce and protect the law. The force is sworn under oath and the members sworn in must respect and live by it. Personnel accepted to do this job are carefully chosen through many different tests to prove their good ethics. In order to perform that job the personnel must have good ethical values in accordance to their society and laws. The police forces are public servants which obligates them to behave
Premium Surveillance Privacy Law
The first and foremost characteristic is integrity. A law enforcement officer “LEO” must have integrity. The public must be able to trust the officer; they must be honesty to the public‚ their co-workers‚ and themselves. A LEO is held to a high standard and must do the right thing when no one else is looking; they are looked up to as pillars of the community. The second characteristic of an LEO applicant is confidence. They must be confident in their communication skills‚ their abilities to
Premium Virtue Sociology Leadership
Law and Order is a weekly series televised on NBC‚ during season fifteen episode seven‚ Dissonant Voices. Jackie Walker an openly gay music teacher at a prestigious preschool in New York with a lustrous career as a singing coach on a reality show faces charges of child sex abuse. Jonah Allen a four year-old student comes forward with claims of sexual abuse by Jackie Walker. The prosecutor and detective Benson displays prejudice towards Jackie due to his sexual orientation however‚ detective Rollins
Premium Law English-language films Lawyer
Stressors In Law Enforcement Criminology 220: Introduction To Policing Taylor Stine Indiana State University 10. Stress and law enforcers: explain stress and its effect on the person‚ stressors unique to police work‚ problems associated with stress‚ and techniques available to police agencies to reduce stress and improve officers’ performance and quality of life. Introduction Stress–it affects many of us daily‚ hourly‚ and by the minute. How can we deal with these overwhelming feelings
Premium Police Psychology Constable
Budget enforcement is a huge aspect of my job. For anyone who has a responsibility in government funds is required to take a fiscal law class. The fiscal law philosophy is: “The established rule is that the expenditure by Congress‚ not that public funds may be expended unless prohibited by Congress United States v. MacCollom (1976)” (Kepplinger). All individual’s that have the responsibility to expend funds have a lawful obligation to spend in the best interests of the government. An individual
Premium United States Constitution United States Law