"Knowledge is innate socrates" Essays and Research Papers

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    socrates paper

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    150 Socrates Paper Socrates is believed to be one of the greatest philosophers of all time and he is credited as being the founder of western philosophy. This paper will explain some of his views to the most fundamental questions of today’s age. These questions will include topics about morality‚ the human condition‚ solution‚ and death. After Socrates’ views on these topics are explained‚ a critique will be done on his answers. I will start out by explaining exactly who Socrates is‚ and

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    Platonism and Knowledge

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    PHAEDO Symposium and The Death of Socrates is an ancient Greek text by Phaedo. This old text occurred philosophy‚ stories and Genesis quote from the Bible. Platonic love is a philosophy which was main concern of this text. Platonic love is a type of love that is pure and non-sexual. Symposium‚ or drinking party. This party is for those whose want to discuss a philosophy of love. In the dialogue‚ Socrates discusses the nature of the afterlife on his last day before being

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    Soul and Socrates

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    by Plato‚ a close disciple of Socrates‚ this text is set along the Illissus river where Phaedrus and Socrates meet for a day of speech‚ debate‚ rhetoric and okay…flirting. Phaedrus leads of the day and recites a speech by his close friend Lysias‚ who Phaedrus considers to be a top speechmaker. Socrates then‚ after chiding by Phaedrus unleashes two speeches of his own that overshadow and refute Lysias claim so boldly that Phaedrus is so taken by the power of Socrates‚ that Phaedrus I think misses

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    Socrates & the Afterlife

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    Socrates & the Afterlife The realization of death did not leave Socrates in any state of sorrow but rather gave him hope and happiness that he would soon be moving further onto what he believed was the path of the soul. Socrates had no fear of death because he believed specifically in the afterlife and that the soul left the body and moved on to the next phase in life. Socrates states that there are many pathways a soul can follow after death; all depending on how a person acted during

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    Philosophy and Socrates

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    Urealysuk9@aol.com SOCRATES THE PHILOSOPHER Socrates is a noteworthy and important historical figure as a philosopher‚ because of his and his pupils’ influence on the development of the philosophical world. His teachings‚ famous arguments‚ and ideas began the outgrowth of all later western philosophies. Born in 469 BC just outside of Athens‚ Socrates was brought up properly‚ and thoroughly educated. He was raised as most Athenians; developing both physical and mental strengths. Socrates then went on to

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    Socrates Reflection

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    Ricardo Rodriguez Mrs. Fazio Philosophy Novemeber-23-10 Reflection “A philosopher knows that in reality he knows very little”..”One thing only I know‚ and that is that i know nothing” – Socrates There above quote is a pre-cursor to the wisdom the great philosopher Socrates has. The above quote is true in many ways such as the fact that we know barely more than what we can see. The above quote explains the microscopic insects we are in the universe. It explains how we cannot merely

    Free Knowledge Truth Epistemology

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    Crito and Socrates

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    and Socrates According to this dialogue‚ it was a last day of Socrates. Crito visited Socrates in prison and wanted to help Socrates to escape from the prison before the execution, but Socrates refused. There are two reasons can be discussed in this essay. Firstly‚ it can be that Socrates was afraid Crito may get into trouble for helping himself to get away from the prison. Socrates insisted his honor principle and he thought it is irresponsible to escape from the prison. Secondly‚ Socrates thinks

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    Socrates' Crito

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    whole of the dialogue takes place at Socrates’ prison cell‚ where he awaits his execution just days away. It started with Socrates waking up and finding his friend and loyal disciple Crito there. When Socrates asked how Crito got inside the prison at that early an hour‚ Crito told him that he simply knows the guard and has done the guard some favor. Crito then informed Socrates that the ship from Delos has already come in and tomorrow will be his execution. Socrates then told Crito about a dream he had

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    Evaluating Socrates

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    Owing the Government Our Obedience: Socrates’ defense for Not Doing Injustice When Injustice is Done to You In the dialogue of “Crito” by Plato‚ a person by the name of Crito has come to try and persuade Socrates to escape from jail as he feels he is being wrongfully accused. Socrates basically asks Crito to plead his case and if he can come up with enough good reasons then Socrates will escape‚ if not he will stay. As Crito begins attempting to persuade him‚ Socrates ends up stating two main premises

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    Socrates Argument

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    In this paper I will explain Socrates’ agreement at 50 a-b of the Crito‚ and explain my reason why would not cause his fellow citizens harm by breaking the law. Specially I will show that people can actually create a positive. I will explain that Socrates argument and show how depends on how what the unjust causes. Then I will argue that this assumption is to be questioned under the fact that citizens are not necessarily affected by the law breakers‚ and that by doing something unjust can be moral

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