HSC 2024 Pressure area care (1.1) describe the anatomy and physiology of the skin in relation to skin breakdown and the development of pressure sores ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY The skin is primarily composed of three layers. The skin‚ which appears to be so thin‚ is still itself divided into epidermis‚ dermis‚ and subcutaneous layer or hypodermis. Please refer to the figure below to understand all the three layers. Each layer has it own function and own importance in maintaining the
Free Epidermis Skin
the environment along with my colleague to create enough space for the hoist and easy movement and checked that hoist is clean and working. I informed Mr P about the process of moving him to the commode with use of the hoist. I assure him of his safety before and during the move. He gave us his consent to move him using hoist. I asked Mr P to sit up a little on his bed as my colleague and I put the sling behind his back to ensure that he is supported appropriately while in the hoist. Then I check
Premium Hygiene
CAMBRIDGE INTERNATIONAL EXAMINATIONS General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Level and Advanced Level ACCOUNTING PAPER 1 Multiple Choice 9706/1 MAY/JUNE SESSION 2002 1 hour Additional materials: Multiple Choice answer sheet Soft clean eraser Soft pencil (type B or HB is recommended) TIME 1 hour INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not open this booklet until you are told to do so. Write your name‚ Centre number and candidate number on the answer sheet in the spaces provided
Premium Generally Accepted Accounting Principles Balance sheet
A young person came to me crying and explained all her friends has fallen out with her and that she wasn’t sure if what they were doing to her was classed as bullying. I suggested to the student that she wrote a statement. I approached the other students to ask them if them if they would be willing to write me a statement about the incidents. I read all the statements so that I could help support the students to deal with the conflict themselves I spoke to all the students individually to see
Premium 2006 singles Social psychology Student
All feedback will be recorded on learner record. Level 3 Health and safety Support children and young people’s health and safety CYP Core 3.4 Promote the welfare and well being in the early years EYMP 3 Task 1 1. Question: Add the legislation chart that you completed in class CYP 3.4 AC 1.3‚ 1.4‚ EYMP 3 AC 1.1‚ 1.2 See attached – Pages 10 & 15 2. Question: Explain why it is important to take a balanced approach to risk management CYP 3.4 AC 3.1 Children and young people need a
Premium Childhood Nutrition Health
Health and Safety Assignment 2 Task D Introduction In this part of the assignment I will look at a case study and evaluate this in term of risk assessment‚ I will use this information to determine recommendations for care planning and management of Mr Campbell the service user. I will discuss how dilemmas within the case study can be addressed by implementing policies and systems for Health‚ Safety and Security. Ref 1 Risk assessment Risk assessment is the process of evaluating risks to workers’
Premium Risk assessment Occupational safety and health Risk management
NVQ 2 Health and safety 1.1 Legislation that relates to the Health and safety in a social care setting are the following: Health and Safety At Work Act 1974 The Workplace (Health‚ Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 The Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 The Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 The Reporting of Injuries‚ Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health
Premium Occupational safety and health Hygiene Risk
The aim of this assignment is to review a reflective account of events that occurred during a clinical placement‚ whilst on operational practice in an out of hospital environment. This incident involved a physical assault on a young woman. Siviter (2004) defines reflection as gaining self-confidence‚ identifying when to improve‚ learning from good or bad mistakes and behaviour‚ being self-aware and improving the future by learning the past. Therefore reflection can enable the Paramedic to use
Premium Reflection Knowledge Psychology
F0KA 34 Health Care: Practice Experience Reflective account 4 Candidate Name: Word count- 801 Related learning Outcome: Learning Outcome 1‚ Knowledge and Skills – 1.b recognising and acknowledge limitations of own abilities 2.a committing to the principle that the primary purpose of the professional health care practitioner is to protect and serve society 2.b accepting responsibility for one’s own actions 3.a demonstrating respect for patient/client confidentiality 4.b demonstrating
Premium Occupational safety and health Nursing Anxiety
The first part of this Reflective Account describes what influences and events in my life have helped to develop my Personal Values. My grandparents taught me most of my basic ‘Personal Values’. I learned from an early age how to be polite‚ have good manners and respect my elders as failure to do so would result in getting sent to bed early. In those days I did not have a television in my room so in my eyes this was the ultimate punishment! They were not deeply religious people; my grandmother
Premium Family Sociology