"Literature arts and the humanities analysis and interpretation" Essays and Research Papers

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    The text given for interpretation is an extract from the novel “From W. S.” by L.P.Hartley‚ a British writer‚ known for novels and short stories. L.P. Hartley was a highly skilled narrator and all his tales are admirably told. As a contemporary reviewer remarked‚ “not only does he portray the exterior of social life with a novelist’s sharp eye for detail‚ but he also explores the underworld of fears and fantasies through which we wander in our ugliest dreams”. “From W.S.” comes from “The Complete

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    ‘Save as many as you ruin’ Analysis and interpretation by Simone Weilborg The British author Simon Van Booy wrote ‘Save as many as you ruin’ in 2007. The short story is about Gerard‚ approximately in his 40’s. He has a daughter Lucy‚ a job and lives in New York City. His profession is not given‚ but I assume his job takes a great deal of time since he has a nanny for his daughter. Gerard is handsome and likes to sleep with women: ‘He has slept with many women. Most knew he would never love them

    Free Short story Love A Little Bit

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    Bmw Art Car Analysis

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    1950’s. She received her undergraduate degree from Ohio University and continued to receive degrees from several colleges of art. These colleges included Williams College‚ the Rhode Island School of Design‚ The New School‚ and Smith College. She later moved to New York after joining Whitney Museum’s Independent Study Program; where she currently lives and creates her works of art. Holzer’s father owned a Ford Dealership and her mother taught horseback riding lessons before marrying. A few artists that

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    Why is memory important in the Interpretation Process? “Interpretation is a communication process‚ designed to reveal meanings and relationships of our cultural and natural heritage‚ through involvement with objects‚ artifacts‚ landscapes and sites”. Interpretation Canada. This paper discusses memory training in interpreting. According to the Daniel Gile’s Effort Model a short-term memory is important in an essential part in the process of interpreting. I will analyze the major characteristics

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    In Dystopian literature‚ the society has a code of conduct that they live by. Few people in society question the power. In the book “The Giver‚” Jonas‚ a 12 year old‚ earns the job of Receiver of memory. As he gets to know more about what has been taken from the society‚ he questions why. Another story‚ The Pedestrian‚ Mr.Mead‚ an older man‚ walks around the town. A police officer pulls him over and says that walking is obsolete. Mr.Mead is not understanding and questions the police officer‚ then


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    Art analysis- Dream caused by the flight of a bee around a pomegranate‚ a second before waking up By Salvador Dali‚ 1994‚ 51×40.5 cm‚ oil on canvas Thyssen-bornemisza collection “A typical dream with a long theme‚ the consequences of a sudden accident that causes the awakening” –Salvador Dali. The Style the artist has used is Surrealism‚ Salvador has done this piece in such a way though that the picture looks exaggerated and real. As it shows highlights‚ shadows and shapes of a realism

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    In the 2013 film Snowpiercer‚ humanity is portrayed in a very complex light. The ultra-defined social class system outlined by a person’s place on board the Snowpiercer train gives way to a much deeper meaning than just that of class warfare and social mobility‚ but to the importance of freedom and why some would risk literally all they have and could ever attain for just the opportunity for freedom. The most recurring line in the film is one variation or another enforcing the idea that everyone

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    Aeneas’ interpretation of amor focuses on his higher purposes and future attachments‚ whereas Dido’s focuses on her personal‚ present attachments. Aeneas is not the most poignant speech maker‚ as is revealed through his only rebuttal of Dido’s claims. Within his thirty-line speech‚ Aeneas effectively tramples upon any hope Dido holds of a happy relationship and steady marriage. “sed nunc Italiam magnam Gryneus Apollo‚ / Italiam Lyciae iussere capessere sortes; / hic amor‚ haec patria est” (4.345-347)


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    My Art Analysis Paper

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    On November 3‚ me and friend went at the Institution of the Arts museum to research some artifact/ painting for my Arts formal analyst paper. When we took the closer look about those artifacts‚ I saw one painting that was interesting. It called “Y” from the private collection. When I saw the painting and the described the thing that I felt interesting was that there was a “Y” alphabet in the painting and then when I saw read the didactic the named of that painting was “Y” which was kind of interesting

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    humanities final essay 3

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    Final Essay – Humanities Meaning is a symbolically-charged idea - it is an idea that is embodied and conveyed by a certain representation‚ a symbol‚ whether these symbols are objects or words. Meaning therefore gives sense and significance to ‘things’ that would otherwise be absurd of nature. This leads us to reflect on the power of meaning as a determinant that shapes our visions‚ beliefs‚ perceptions and so on. This is why we can speak of the power of literature when meaning is conveyed through

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