"Make justified recommendations for improving a selected organisation s relationship with a group of customers" Essays and Research Papers

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    The Pearl River Piano Group Sakina Boulal Glion Institute of Higher Education December 7th‚ 2014 Executive Summary Pearl River Piano Group (PRPG) was established in 1956 in Guangzhou‚ China. Nowadays PRPG is considered the largest factory of musical instrument in the world with a domination of the domestic Chinese market and a 13% market share in America‚ by producing over 83‚000 pianos in the world in 2008 and exporting to more than 80 countries. Zhicheng Tong is a talented

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    Nike Organisation

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    Introduction Nike’s organisation structure/design Diversity and inclusion mean different things in different countries and to different people. At Nike‚ Diversity and Inclusion is what drives creativity and innovation. It takes every one of our over 30‚000 employees working at the top of their game for Nike to reach its highest potential. And we know that outstanding teams are composed of diverse people‚ backgrounds and skill sets. Nike’s ability to lead in innovation and creativity hinges

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    and performance management 9 3.7. Keeping the system alive 10 4. Balanced proposals to curb practical difficulties/ challenges 10 5. Line managers 12 6. References 13   1. Introduction This paper is based on the a case study of two organisations based in the United Kingdom‚ this is in response to a research on their use of high performance work (HPW) and performance management (PM) practices (Aguinis‚ 2009). Research explores Macphie of Glenbervie Ltd and Content and Code Ltd both are

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    Improving Speaking Skills

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    Improving Speaking Skills Betsabé Navarro Romero Abstract This article examines the different circumstances under which infant and adult learners develop speaking skills. We will see the facilities or difficulties in both cases in order to focus on the real possibilities of adults to develop a high level of speaking proficiency. We will see what the role of the teacher is in order to improve the learners’ skills‚ the features of oral communication that need to be improved and which strategies

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    Huddleston‚ S. 1984. Rational versus gender role expectations for work family conflict. J. Appl. Psychol.‚ 76: 560-68. Heskett‚ J.L.‚ Sasser‚ W.E.‚ Jr and L.A.‚ Schlesinger‚ 1997. “The service profit chain”. New York: The Free Press. Kossek‚ C. and Ozeki‚ I. 1999. Work-family conflict in the dual-career family. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes‚ 51: 51-75. Lawler E. E.‚ LLL‚ 1982. “Strategies for Improving the Quality of Work Life”. American Psychologist‚ 37‚ pp. 486-693. Lewis‚ S. 1997

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    (2012) conducted an empirical study to examine whether or not there is a relationship between employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction. Due to previous studies conducted in the relationship between employees and customers‚ the authors felt that the use of indirect surveys provided inconclusive results. The main focus of this study is to determine whether or not the relationship betrween employee satisfaction and customer satisfaction is bilateral or unilateral. The authors argued that behavior

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    Schools as Organisations

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    Schools as organisations Unit 302 Outcome 1 1.3) Explain the post 16 options for young people and adults. The opportunities for pupils aged 16 and over have traditionally been either to leave school and start employment‚ or to stay and continue with their education. Although many pupils do still choose one of these options‚ it is likely there will be more opportunities available as there has been an increased government focus on and funding of education for 14 to 19 year olds‚ and in particular

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    people in organisations

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    To achieve a pass grade you must show you can: P1. Describe the main job roles and functions in an organisation. [IE] P2. Identify different organisational structures used within business organisations. [IE] P3. Produce a basic job description and person specification for a job. P4. Complete an application and interview for a specific job. [RL] P5. Match current knowledge and skills to possible job opportunities using appropriate sources of information and advice. [RL] P6. Produce a personal

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    Customer Service

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    Customer Service What is Customer Service? Customer Service is any contact between a customer and a company that causes a negative or positive experience by a customer‚ it also means being able to exceed the needs and expectations of all their customers rather than just meeting them. “Excellent customer service is about creating a good impression: meeting the needs and exceeding the expectations of visitors‚ and making them feel welcome‚ excited and valued.” (http://www.rmg.co.uk) Who are

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    schools as organisations

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    Unit 205 - Schools as Organisations Task A: The candidate is required to identify six different categories of school. For each category of school‚ the candidate should prepare brief notes about the way in which they are managed‚ the ages of children with which they deal and the curriculum they are required to follow. 1. Community: Example: Primary schools Run by local authority‚ age range 4-11 years‚ allot of mainstream schools and pupils are selected based on the area of school and where they

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