Unida Christian Colleges Unida St. Anabu I-F Imus‚ Cavite “Garlic as an Effective Insecticide” An Investigatory Project in Science Submitted by: Marielle Marie L. Camacam Christian D. Panganiban John Zebedee T. Barata Elisha Hope P. Villaruz Chelsy Anne Y. Buenabajo March 2012 Abstract Acknowledgements Table of Contents
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growth?” is because they wanted to know if it does work and does it really affect how fast the plant growth using different types of potting soil and also to know the suitable potting soil to make the plant grow faster. The researchers chose to investigate this kind of problem because they wanted to make a contribution to solve the problems of the people specifically the farmers to lessen their worries if the plant that they planted will still grow or not. They chose this kind of problem over
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this routine for two weeks with the help of water‚ sunlight and right care. d) In a day‚ rate each observation according to how fast these plants can grow using the Fruit Fertilizer. CONCLUSION: * Transcript of Investigatory Project (Final) Introduction Methodology Outcome Fertilizer (or fertiliser) is any organic or inorganic material of natural or synthetic origin (other than liming materials) that is added to a soil to supply
Premium Water Fertilizer Soil
• Statistical Analysis Chapter 4 – Data Analysis‚ Interpretation of Data‚ Results and Discussion • Results and Discussion • Perceptions and Prospects of the Respondents Abstract The title of our investigatory project is “Lanzones Peel as Mosquito Coil”. This study aims to find out if Lanzones Peel can really repel mosquitoes and help us reduce the number of people who have mosquito bourne disease. The researchers dried the lanzones peels and after
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TALIPAPA HIGH SCHOOL Science Investigatory Project SY 2014-2015 ALTERNATIVE GLUE Submitted to: Ms. Marisol Ann De Leon Submitted by: Janice Mae Uy Claudette Dyan Rueda Gemmalyn Bartolo Methodology Materials Needed: Flour Water Egg whites Rice Bowl Procedure: 1. Mix the flour and the water. 2. On the other container‚ smash the rice. 3. Mix the smashed rice and the flour. 4. Stir. 5. Put the egg whites on the mixture. 6. Stir. 7. Then transfer the
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there isinappropriate contact with it. 8. To match with the color andconsistency of other inks‚ wewill be adding other substances‚specifically vinegar andcornstarch‚ whichare commonand easy to find. 9. STATEMENT OF THEPROBLEMGenerally‚ this investigatory project aimsto find out if tea bags can be used tocreate an ink.Specifically‚ it aims to answer thefollowing questions:a. Can vinegar strengthen the color ofthe product‚ ink?b. Can cornstarch contribute toachieving the right consistency of theink?c
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Background of the Study This investigatory project is to be conducted to study the feasibility of Kalamansi (Citrus Microcarpa Bunge)‚ Oregano leaves (Coleus aromaticus Benth.) and Kakawate leaves (Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) Steud.) as mosquito repellant lotion. As of today it is not only dengue virus‚ there is a new disease called chikungunya virus that is anarthropod-borne virus‚ of the genus Alphavirus‚ that is transmitted to humans by virus-carrying Aedes mosquitoes. There have been recent breakouts
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INVESTIGATORY PROJECT “PAPAIN AS MEAT TENDERIZER” PROPONENTS: Christian Czar L. Balagulan Ceazar Ian U. Bagnol John Kenwell L. Agustin 3 – Fr. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin ABSTRACT Muscles have to endure a lot of mechanical stress; they are made of strong fibers that make them hard to cut‚ and tough connective tissue holds them together. Individual muscle cells contain microscopic fibrils that give them their structural integrity and allow them to contract. The fibrils have a complex
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aims to find out how long a lemon (Citrus limon) can last as a lemon battery powering a digital clock. B. HYPOTHESIS The researcher assumes that one lemon would last for a day or two and that the usage of more lemons would entail a longer battery time. C. OBJECTIVES Specifically‚ it aims to: 1) come up with a quantity-longevity ratio with the use of a varied quantity of lemons in the production of a lemon battery 2) find the relationship of the number of lemons and the time it powers a digital
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CHILI PEPPER AND KAMIAS AS MOSQUITO REPELLENT Investigatory Project 2014 - 2015 Submitted by: BANZON‚ REXEL JOHN M. MORALES‚ ARNE JOSEPHUS L. LEGASPI‚ VIA JANE MARIE N. SAGARINO‚ SHYROSE MAY B. TAPAYAN‚ ANTHONY JANE B. TOLEDO‚ CHERRY MAE M. Submitted to: MISS NEMEA MAE F. COSIDO Instructress ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Miss Nemea Mae Flores Cosido for giving us the chance to show our best in this Investigatory Project and for guiding us while we were conducting
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