inorganic chemical reagent and methylene blue is a chemical compound commonly used for staining because of its color blue. These three substances have 158 g/mole‚ 294 g/mole and 374 g/mole‚ respectively. A jelly-like substance‚ agar-water gel in a petri dish was used as a medium for diffusion since water and air‚ as a medium‚ are not controllable
Premium Chemistry Potassium permanganate Oxygen
2.1 Sanitation Methods There are Four Methods that conducted on the laboratories in order to detect the presence of microorganisms. There are Rodac Method‚ Swab Method‚ Rinse Method‚ and lastly Open Dish Method and it will be discussed in detail below. 2.1.1 Rodac Method The purpose of this Standard Operating Procedure is to describe a program that will adequately measure the efficacy of disinfection of Rooms and equipment in each laboratory‚ RODAC plates can detect the presence or absence of
Free Bacteria Agar plate Microbiology
possible to extract a sample of planaria‚ place into a Petri dish with enough freshwater and observe under a laboratory provided microscope. While on the microscope platform‚ expose your sample to light and darkness to notice the patterns of locomotion and movement throughout the conditioning tray. Probe the individuals with an object to spot any type of distinct change in response‚ negative or positive. Tap the side and surroundings of the dish to notice if there is any different adjustment
Premium Nervous system Organism Animal
asleep. Remove them from the vital into a petri dish. With a soft brush‚ separate the boys from the girls. 4. Place and label males into a new vital with fly food. 5. Kill the remaining female flies by placing them in alcohol. These are assumed to be non-virgins‚ which are needless in this experiment. 6. Within the next few days‚ observe the larva that are left in the original vital. When flies emerge‚ use fly nap and separate the sexes again in a petri dish. 7. The females should be virgins if
Premium Genetics Biology Gene
Keeping healthy Subject Content A combination of a balanced diet and regular exercise is needed to help keep the body healthy. Our bodies provide an excellent environment for many microbes which can make us ill once they are inside us. Our bodies need to stop most microbes getting in and deal with any microbes which do get in. Vaccination can be used to prevent infection. Candidates should use their skills‚ knowledge and understanding to: ■ evaluate information about the effect of food on health
Premium Nutrition Health Medicine
tiny test tube‚ small brown bottle‚ petroleum ether‚ plant leaf‚ dried parsley flakes‚ water‚ glass petri dish‚ stapler‚ sand‚ spatula‚ pipette‚ capillary tube‚ Whatman filter paper‚ a 50 ml chromatography solvent‚ and goggles (to be worn at all times). The steps to performing the experiment were: 1. Pour 50 ml of chromatography solvent into the tall jar and cover it with half of the petri dish. 2. Take ½ teaspoon of dried parsley flakes and ¼ teaspoon of sand in the mortar. Tear a plant leaf
Premium Thin layer chromatography Chlorophyll Laboratory glassware
Background information Daphnia Magna is an arthropod that can grow up to 5 mm. It is a filter feeder meaning it feeds off of suspended particles in the water. Daphnia can consume particles that range from 1µ to 50µ. The heart of Daphnia is located dorsally meaning it’s located in the back. The heart rate of Daphnia can range due to many variables‚ one being temperature. "At a temperature averaging 20o C its heart rate is about 200 beats per minute."2 As the temperature surrounding the Daphnia
Premium Seawater Heart rate Water
each phase. Materials: The materials needed are; 1) Microscope 2) A slide containing plant cells 3) Blank paper 4) A half of a Petri dish to draw circles 5) A pen. Procedure: The steps to follow in order to properly conduct this lad are; 1) Get a microscope as directed by your teacher. 2) Get a slide from your teacher. 3) Use the half of a Petri dish to draw the circles for the representation of each phase. 4) With your blank sheet of paper each phase located on the slide is
Premium Mitosis Cell cycle
nurseries overnight to adjust to the new environment. The isopods were carefully monitored and fed daily with raw potatoes‚ apples‚ or fish flakes. In performing the experiment‚ six isopods were collected either with a spoon or scoopula and placed in a petri dish prior for the experiment. After collection‚ the
Throughout this lab‚ diffusion and osmosis has been seen and tested through experiment. In part A of the lab‚ diffusion was demonstrated with two solids and an agar gel petri dish. One crystal of potassium permanganate and one crystal of methylene blue were placed on either side of an agar gel petri dish. The purpose of this experiment was to determine which of the crystals would diffuse across the gel more. So the question is‚ which solid would have a higher rate of diffusion through the agar‚ methylene
Premium Chemistry Enzyme Concentration