LSM1102 Lab Report Introduction Transformation is a process which involves plasmid DNA being bound to the cell surface and the subsequent uptake of DNA by the cell (Panja et al.‚ 2008). For artificial transformation of E. coli cells with plasmids‚ plasmid DNA has to be extracted from bacterial cells using the High-Speed Plasmid Mini Kit‚ which is then mixed with competent E. coli cells followed by heat shock and the streaking of transformed cells on two different types of agar plate (LB and LB+ampicillin)
Premium Plasmid Transformation Escherichia coli
electric force is due to the presence of charged particles. Charge is the attribute of matter by which matter responds to electromagnetic forces. Charge is responsible for all electrical phenomena. Charges are either positive or negative. In Equation 1‚ w stands for work‚ q stands for charge‚ is Coulomb’s constant‚ r stands for distance from a charge‚ and stands for the distance over which work is done. The EM Field program was
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7351_2006_1_S03 Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences‚ Karnataka PM.D. [MICROBIOLOGY] DEGREE EXAMINATION Time: 3 Hours [Max. Marks : 100] PAPER I – GENERAL MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY QP Code: 7351 Your answers should be specific to the questions asked. Draw neat labeled diagrams wherever necessary. Answer all questions LONG ESSAYS 1. 2. 2 X 20 = 40 Marks Discuss the production‚ properties and uses of monoclonal antibodies Discuss various in vitro antibiotic sensitivity
Premium Immune system Microbiology Bacteria
Wave Nature of Light Objective: The purpose of this lab is to investigate interference‚ otherwise known as the diffraction of light. A beam of light acts a wave‚ and we are able to use equations so calculate the wavelength of the light used. The diffraction of a straight edge demonstrates that light waves bend around straight edges‚ allowing light to enter an area of shadow. When waves are superposed‚ they reinforce each other when crests are in phase and cancel out when they are not in phase
Premium Diffraction Wavelength Light
Mechanism 4 shows the debromination of 2α-bromocholestan-3-one to give 4. This mechanism which is similar to a Favoskii rearrangement‚ is likely to go via this path as other research has shown that there is often a by-product with this reaction. The by-product is cholest-4-en-3-one which requires the intermediate seen in the third molecule in the above mechanism. The intermediate is highly strained and with the presence of base a proton will be extracted which aids the collapse of the three membered
Lab #1 1. List the five (5) steps of the Hacking process. Reconnaissance‚ Scanning‚ Gaining Access‚ Maintaining Access‚ Covering Tracks 2. In order to exploit or attack the targeted systems‚ what can you do as an initial first step to collect as much information as possible about the targets prior to devising an attack and penetration test plan? The first step would be the reconnaissance or footprinting step of the hacking process. 3. What applications and tools can be used to perform
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Lab 5: The SN2 Reaction: 1-Bromobutane From K. L. Williamson‚ Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments‚ 2nd Ed. 1994‚ Houghton Mifflin‚ Boston. p247; revised 2/22/02 Prelab Exercise: Write a detailed flow sheet/ flow chart for the isolation and purification of 1-bromobutane. Designate how each minor-product is removed from the major product and which layer holds the product in each experimental step performed. [pic] Introduction This experiment utilizes SN2 chemistry
Premium Chemistry Chemical reaction Alcohol
Microbiology Unknown 5/7/2013 Microbiology Unknown #94 The purpose of this report was to identify an unknown bacterium by applying methods that were previously learned and conducted in microbiology lab class. It is possible to identify a mixed culture by running experiments on the unknown bacteria and taking what we already know and applying it to the results. It helps to slowly eliminate any bacteria that do not correspond with the results of certain tests. An unknown test tube labeled 94 was
Premium Bacteria Enzyme Staphylococcus
Introduction: During this laboratory exercise will identify by the graph given which is isotonic‚ hypotonic‚ or hypertonic. The kidneys are a pair of fist-sized organs located outside the peritoneal cavity on each side of the spine. The kidney is a highly specialized organ that maintains the internal environment of the body by selectively excreting or retaining various substances according to specific body needs. The process of urine formation and adjustment of blood composition involves three
Premium Renal physiology Kidney Hypothalamus
LAB REPORT FOR EXPERIMENT 3 COPPER CYCLE OLANREWAJU OYINDAMOLA TUESDAY 27TH February 2013 Abstract This experiment is based on copper‚ to synthesize some copper compound using Copper (II) nitrate solution to obtain copper metal at the end. Changes of copper complexes when various are added and filtering out the precipitate by using Buchner funnel for vacuum filtration .The experiment started with preparation of copper (II) hydroxide and addition of copper oxide then addition of droplets
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