"Nerd" Essays and Research Papers

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    one of the very few children who had glasses. Among children of that age the stereotype is that people with glasses are just bookworms and nerds who study a lot and do nothing else. This stereotype shaped my classmates’ behaviour towards me which in turn influenced my behaviour. My classmates used to tease me a lot about my glasses. They would call me a nerd and a bookworm. They teased me when I did not know something in class since I was supposed

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    In the article “Why be normal?”: Language and identity practices in a community of nerd girls.” Bucholtz first described what both speech community‚ and community of practice were? According to her definition‚ Speech community was a language-based unit of social analysis used in traditional sociolinguistics research. The community of practice‚ on the other hand‚ was an ethnographic‚ activity-based approach. In her research paper‚ she strongly agreed with the theory of community of practice. The reason

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    racking. There will be so many cliques around campus like the nerds‚ jocks‚ and druggies. Not being able to tell which one you may fit in will make high school more intimidating then it really is. How will you know what cliques are a good idea to join? Is it possible to be stuck between two cliques? For any new high schooler finding the right group of people is all it might take to get you through the four years. Nerds In high school being a nerd is a fine line between being accepted and becoming a rejected

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    Most of these Stereotypes and misconceptions derive from early video game culture. The positive being how intellectual gamers are possessing knowledge on technology. This would carry on to the professional gamers title as nerds. The antisocial and slothful nature of gamers came from the way media would portray people who play video games. It is not fair something of that nature passed on to the pros‚ but people will believe the media without looking at the facts within the pro gamer community. The

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    Even though there is still a lack of diversity in the STEM field and nerd culture‚ there have been efforts to diversify them. For example‚ in the article “Revenge of the Nerds: How Barbie Got Her Geek On” Ann Zimmerman discusses how women in the STEM field tried and succeed to get representation through Barbie. Mattel Inc.‚ opened a poll to let the people vote on what Barbie’s next career was. The options were: “architect‚ anchorwoman‚ computer engineer‚ environmentalist and surgeon.” Zimmerman writes

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    2013 Why Do We Hate The Smart Kids? My initial reaction to Grant Penrod essay was flabbergasting because even thou I am not in high school anymore I could look back and remember how all the jocks did get more recognition then the nerds. In my days at school the nerds were the smart people or the teacher’s pet. According to Grant Penrod‚ “Social stereotypes began to emerge as early as high school.”(Grant. Chapter 57 Pg. 692) I agree with Grant because I remember when I was in the 10th grade walking

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    and how one fit’s in. There are many different types of “cliques” in high school that can be divided up. Cliques have been around as long as there have been high schools. Among the most common one would find in a high school are jocks‚ preps‚ and nerds. Jocks are the athletic‚ popular students of a high school. They usually play more than one sport and excel in them. Fortunately they are usually classified as the “cool kids” and are known by everyone in school. Sometimes jocks are looked upon


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    movie The Breakfast Club‚ I am a mixture of the characters‚ Brian Johnson and Claire Standish. I am a complete nerd just like Brian‚ the brain‚ in the movie. Although I am not a pampered princess like Claire‚ I share the similar characteristic of seeking approval from others. I am the complete nerd just like Brian in the movie. The one word that my peers would always use to describe me is a nerd. I have the stereotypical glasses‚ gigantic book bag and I get straight A’s. Most of my peers expect me to

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    about average people‚ two sides are depicted—the intelligent and the regular people. The group of four guys – Sheldon‚ Leonard‚ Howard‚ Rajeesh – show how scientists can be very smart but at the same time‚ extremely antisocial‚ awkward‚ and very big nerds. Their nerdy way of life is depicted in many ways‚ such as in wanting to be in all premiere shows of iconic movies and in being in comic conventions. Aside from the four scientists‚ there are also two equally nerdy girls‚ Amie and Bernadette‚ and one

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    My House

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    back to the classroom) Mr. Preston: Abdol what’s the cubed root of 343? Abdol: 34? Mr. Preston: Kelly can you correct him? Kelly: Of course I can Mr. Preston this maths is so simple. I’ve been practising at home. The answer is 7. Jake: Nerd‚ Loner Mr. Preston: That’s enough Jake you can see me after class. (Stern voice) (The bell rings and they all rush out to break including Jake.) Mr. Preston: Come here Jake. (Kelly is still left standing in


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