I. Introduction Deere & Company (also known as John Deere‚ after its founder) is a world-leading manufacturer‚ distributor‚ and financier of equipment for agriculture‚ construction‚ forestry‚ and commercial and consumer applications (lawn and grounds care). Deere’s objective has consistently been to be the low-cost producer in the markets it serves. However‚ it seeks to do so while maintaining an image of quality and customer focus. Its company values are quality‚ innovation‚ integrity‚ and commitment
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Cross-cultural Translation Studies as Thick Translation Theo Hermans (University College London) 1 Aristotle Let me begin with two specific examples. Both will have a familiar ring. I do not intend to discuss either example in any detail. They merely serve to illustrate‚ however briefly‚ the kind of problem I am trying to address. My first case concerns Aristotle‚ and more particularly John Jones’ book On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy (1962‚ 1971). In the history of readings‚ of interpretations‚
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alternative to heparin‚ the most commonly used anticoagulant in emergency coronary heart care‚ so to assess Angiomax value to a hospital is required to compare these two drugs. First of all is necessary to analyze the differences in effectiveness of the products in treatments. The use of heparin has associated some general disadvantages like: • Unpredictable effects: it is difficult to use properly since its effectiveness depends on achieving a certain level of anticoagulation of the blood‚ too much might
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On the Theory of Communicative action through the translation of metaphor 中文题目 论通过对暗语的翻译来实现沟通行为 院 系 外国语学院 专 业 英语(翻译) 学生姓名 邓永胜 学 号 100214207 任课教师 徐向晖 2013 年 1 月 9 日 Abstract In general‚ since mankind started translation activities‚ the study of translation has never ceased. Discussions about translation have become so frequent that various translation theories have been formed gradually in Chinese.
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1. When analyzing the buyer decision process of a traditional Porsche customer I found that they primarily produce sports cars and mainly appeal to a selective market segment of economically stable and target the high class. The company purchases reflect themselves and personal achievement showing the customer why they should buy cars like Porsche. The customers purchase the product because it is a fun car to drive and enjoy and because of the brand name. 2. The traditional Porsche customer decision
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MINI-CASES I. Cathy’s Collectibles Your cousin Cathy runs a part-time business out of her apartment. She buys and sells collectibles such as antique prints‚ baseball cards‚ and cartoon cells and has recently discovered the Web with its many auction sites. She has begun buying and selling on the Web by bidding on collectibles at lesser-known sites and selling them at a profit at more well-known sites. She downloads and uploads lots of graphics (pictures of the items she’s buying and selling). She
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TRANSLATION IN SCIENTIFIC TEXT TRANSLATION Translation is one of the oldest concerns in the history and theory of language. From the beginning‚ the activity of translation had an oral aspect‚ the so- called ’interpretation’. Then translation extended to written texts .Translation is often associated with the transliteration of literary works from one language to another One of the most important conditions for a translation to be correct is accuracy. The criterion of accuracy varies according to
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about how the MINI cooper has been worked on to continue to be reliable to the old customers and new customers. It has been around since the 1950’s and it looks like it will continue to be around. My paper will hit up information about explicit and implicit brand of communication for the MINI cooper. Levi’s positioning 1. How has BMW achieved continuity of brand message without alienating existing customers and encouraging new Mini purchasers? The Mini cooper is a very
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Company Introduction‚ Market Segmentation‚ and Product Positioning Tim Ilderton Adina Scruggs Marketing Management-MKT 500 October 25‚ 2012 The company that I am making this marketing plan for is called “Cheers to your Health‚ Innovations for the Body and Soul”. “Cheers To Your Health” was founded in 1990 in North Carolina. Our founder Tim Ilderton was suffering with depression and struggling with his weight. He was unable to get himself motivated to go to the local
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AUDIOVISUAL TRANSLATION DEFINITION Since ancient times humans have developed their own languages in many ways. Oral‚ written‚ sign languages have helped us to communicate all over the world. But because the difference of our nations‚ people approached the idea to create separate languages in every land or country. Therefore‚ they had to accomplish a new task – translate one language into another. When this goal was reached‚ audiovisual translation emerged. The aim in this essay is to define
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