Brooks Professionalism and Reflective practise. In order to answer the question for this assignment I am going to discuss the ways I use reflective practise. I will compare and contrast three models of reflective practise Donald Schon‚ Brookfield and Kolb. I constantly use “in action” reflective practices which are then followed by “on action” reflective processes as suggested by Donald Schon. I teach Health and Social Care and Vocational Studies to learners‚ aged from 16 years‚ ranging from E2‚ to
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‘Key influences on the personal learning processes of individuals’ David Kolb published his learning styles model in 1984 from which he developed his learning style inventory. ‘Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience’ (David A. Kolb 1984). He believed that our individual learning styles emerge due to our genetics‚ life experiences‚ and the demands of our current environment. The Experiential Learning Cycle Kolb’s experiential learning style
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different learning styles‚ and also an explanation of a cycle of experiential learning that applies to us all. Kolb includes this ’cycle of learning’ as a central principle his experiential learning theory‚ typically expressed as four-stage cycle of learning‚ in which ’immediate or concrete experiences’ provide a basis for ’observations and reflections’. These ’observations and reflections’ are assimilated and distilled into ’abstract concepts’ producing new implications for action which can be ’actively
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Guidance Notes for Students Pete Watton Jane Collings Jenny Moon April 2001 Contents Aims and Objectives Using the Guidance Notes What is Required in Reflective Writing Deepening Reflection Exercise in Reflective Writing -1 Multiple Perspectives in Reflective Writing Possible Sources of Evidence for Reflection Exercise in Reflective Writing –2 Practising Reflective Writing References Bibliography Web Sites Pack Evaluation Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 17
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Using Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle (or Gibbs’ Reflective Model) Gibbs’ reflective cycle is a theoretical model often used by students as a framework in coursework assignments that require reflective writing. The model was created by Professor Graham Gibbs and appeared in Learning by Doing (1988). It looks like this: Action plan If it arose again what would you do? Descripiton What happened? Conclusion What else could you have done? Feelings What were you thinking and feeling
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Moon‚ University of Exeter Introduction - reflection and reflective writing Reflection lies somewhere around the notion of learning and thinking. We reflect in order to learn something‚ or we learn as a result of reflecting. Reflective writing is the expression on paper/screen of some of the mental processes of reflection. Other forms of expressing reflection are in speech‚ in film‚ in graphic portrayal‚ music etc. The expression of reflection is not‚ however‚ a direct mirror of what happens
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In day to day life‚ people often reflect on events no matter how big or small the issues are. Reflection is a reviewing process of people’s experience‚ in order to describe‚ analyse‚ and evaluate to reshape people’s action of doing (Reid 1993). Reflective practice is essential for practitioners especially for health professionals‚ who interact with people that may be going through a changing in their life‚ so reflective practice enable practitioners to learn the experience and improve their service
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the next page show different levels of reflection. They are based on a critical event that happened to a 22 year old in the workplace‚ after graduating. There are three accounts of the same event: giving a presentation at a team meeting. Each account is written with three different levels of reflection: • Descriptive writing: a description of events. There is no discussion beyond description and there is no evidence of reflection. • Descriptive reflection: there is a basic description of events
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field. It is not just a personal opinion as‚(Teekman 2000‚pg 1125-1135) states that reflective practice is becoming an essential element of nurse education as professional nursing bodies world wide are being impressed by literature on learning by reflection. It is nearly the same conclusion that is brought by Boud‚ Keogh and Walker(1987‚pg 11) and this is proof as well that reflective practice isn ’t a new concept. It is so‚ as they traced similar ideas back to Aristoles writings on practical judgement
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change. In the beginning the changes are simple‚ like the acts of day turning to night‚ but at the end we see the life changes of a woman in particular. Through the use of metaphor and personification in the poem‚ Plath creates images of water‚ reflections‚ and colors as having human characteristics to emphasize the strong theme of change throughout the poem. From the beginning of the poem‚ we see that it revolves around water. We find out that the mirror is "unmisted" and "swallows" everything.
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