"Reflection on cardiac nursing" Essays and Research Papers

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    Nursing as a Profession

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    Nursing as a Profession Lisa Renfrow Oklahoma Wesleyan University Nursing as a Profession The question of whether the practice of nursing is considered a profession or an occupation is an ongoing debate‚ much like the ongoing debate over what defines a profession. Several scholars have outlined criteria for considering an occupation to be a profession. Given a list of scholars and their criteria for what characteristics define a profession‚ I have chosen the list formulated

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    The Evolution of Nursing

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    EVOLUTION OF NURSING Nursing is a profession that can be recalled and accounted for since prehistoric times to now it has since come a long way. In fact in earlier times nursing was only a practice reserved for men. The first nursing school was established in India in about 250 B.C.‚ and only men were permitted to attend because men were viewed to be more pure than women‚ until the 1800’s when nursing became an organized practice. Should one embark on a research about the history of nursing one would

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    The Image of Nursing

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    The Image of Nursing Dawn Davis Texas A&M University-Texarkana The Image of Nursing Following is a discussion of the image of nursing and professional identity. Factors contributing to nursing image and the effects of nursing image are included. The Image of Nursing What is the professional identity‚ or the image of nursing? How does the public view this hardworking profession? Do they understand what a nurse does? Do they understand the thought processes involved in caring

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    Nursing Image

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    Nursing Image By Ling Hui Ming‚ RN 16 September‚ 2014 1 Introduction One of the most challenging issues nurses striving for since 20 years ago is nursing image in nursing profession. We define ourselves and are defined by others through images and similarly in any other profession like nursing. The way nurses how nurses perceive themselves as professional will affect the way others include family‚ friends‚ associate and public to look you. In the Concise Oxford English Dictionary image

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    Nursing Knowledge

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    Over the years‚ nursing has evolved not only as a profession but also a hands-on discipline. Nursing is a theory-based practice that evolves and grows continuously through research. Fawcett (1984) defined nursing’s metaparadigm as the overall overview of nursing which consists the concepts of person‚ environment‚ health and nursing. Nursing practice began to evolve in the early 18th century. I will be exploring the different major influences that have altered the practice of nursing to what it is today

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    Nursing Theories

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    What is the purpose of nursing theories? Nursing theories are guidelines for everyday nursing actions and helps nurse understand the purpose of their actions. Nursing theories based everyday nursing actions are analyzing a patient data‚ determining an outcome and nursing interventions for the patient‚ and evaluating the outcomes set for the patient. Nursing theories also guide research. 2. What is meant by the statement: "Nursing is both an art and a science?" Nursing is a science because nurses

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    Read the case of “We’ve Got Rhytm! Medtronic Cardiac Pacemaker Business”. Please answer the following questions: a. Which of the improvements in the new product development process that the Medtronic management team implemented strike or impress you as having been particularly crucial to turning the company around? b. What are the costs and benefits of having implemented product line architecture and train schedule in the pacemaker business? Answer: a. I am so impressed with the platform strategy

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    Nursing Metaphors

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    others (Lakoff and Johnson 1). In the field of nursing‚ many metaphors have emerged which have greatly impacted the practice of nursing. These metaphors include the “nursing as military” metaphor‚ which typified nursing during the 19th and most of the 20th centuries‚ and the “nursing as advocacy” metaphor which became the dominant conception of nursing after the tumultuous social struggles of the 1960 ’s. Most metaphors associated with the nursing profession are referred to as moral metaphors

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    History of Nursing

    • 1951 Words
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    History of Nursing The topic of this paper is to identify historical events in nursing. This topic grasps my attention because I am on the track to become a nurse‚ and feel I need to know about the history of nursing. The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader about historical highlights in nursing. In The Beginning American Nurses Association defines nursing as “the protection‚ promotion‚ and optimization of health and abilities‚ prevention of illness and injury‚ alleviation of suffering

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    Philosophy of Nursing

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    overview of my philosophy of nursing. I used online and literature documentations and I began the paper by defining nursing according to International Council of Nursing. The website for more information: http://www.icn.ch/about-icn/icn-definition-of-nursing/. I used Nightingale’s thoughts to describe four metaparadigms of nursing which are person‚ environment‚ health and nursing‚ and described how nursing integrates these concepts according to the literature Nursing Theories: The base for professional

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