present paper contrasts the importance of two divergent approaches to training‚ approaches that are either universalistic (etic) or particularistic (emic) in nature. While most extant literature on cross-cultural communication focuses primarily on culture-specific-emic-approaches‚ this paper stresses the value of also drawing on pan-cultural-universalistic-approaches. We illustrate the utility of such an approach through the example of "politeness" theory (Brown & Levinson‚ 1978‚ 1987). Politeness
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Culture in simplicity is a body of learned behavior‚ a collection of beliefs‚ habits and traditions‚ shared by a group of people and successively learned by people who enter the society. Furthermore‚ culture is learned‚ not inherited. If this is correct‚ then it can be assumed that it is not impossible to learn new cultural traits and to unlearn old ones. Therefore‚ it must be feasible to integrate cultural differences. Cultural adaptation would involve many essentials as‚ language; verbal and non-verbal
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Culture Assimilation 1) Definition of the topic: In the article The Importance of ’Community ’ in the Process of Immigrant Assimilation." International Migration Review by Joseph P. Fitzpatrick it explains how there is two steps to assimilating which are‚ cultural assimilation and social assimilation. It defines cultural assimilation as “adapting to values‚ norms‚ and expectations” (6). Immigrants change their personal beliefs and adapt to a new lifestyle. After culturally assimilating it says
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Culture stereotypes – how to avoid culture conflicts The world today is a multicultural society. A globalization has brought a greater diversity to communities. Although we live in post-modern world‚ there are still believes‚ which can carry narrow-minded character concerning members of some nation. Culture stereotype is the way of categorizing people in to the group and assuming that everyone who has the same culture‚ religion‚ values and race would act the same way. Stereotypes are generalizations
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What is organizational culture? * Organizational culture- The system of shared actions‚ values‚ and beliefs that develops within an organization and guides the behavior of its members * External adaptation- Involves reaching goals and dealing with outsiders regarding tasks to be accomplished; methods used to achieve the goals; methods of coping with success and failure. * Important aspects of external adaptation * Separating eternal forces based on importance * Developing
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Culture can be defined as the way a group of people choose to live their life‚ the way they dress‚ the way they talk‚ and an assortment of other things. They are numerous cultures in the world today and the Igbo culture happens to be one of the very intriguing ones out there. “The Igbo have a vibrant culture which many are proud of today” (1). There are approximately 250 ethnic groups in Nigeria. There are 3 main ethnic groups‚ the Hausa‚ Yoruba‚ and the Igbos (Badru 1). The Igbo people are located
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and Bird‚ 2000). The greatest benefit is sophisticated stereotype offers basic cultural knowledge‚ and is useful for managers to guess about cultural behavior in a country. Therefore‚ it is used as assistant tool in building unitary organizational cultures. The tourist firm relied on Hosftede’s framework. Because Japanese are collectivistic while Danish are individualistic‚ the Danish director had to consider whether provide guidance to Danish staffs or strict control to Japanese staffs‚ instead using
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CULTURE CHALLENGES Culture is central to what we see‚ how we make sense of what we see‚ and how we express ourselves. As people from different cultural groups take on the exciting challenge of working together‚ cultural values sometimes conflict. We can misunderstand each other‚ and react in ways that can hinder what are otherwise promising partnerships. Oftentimes‚ we aren’t aware that culture is acting upon us. Sometimes‚ we are not even aware that we have cultural values or assumptions that
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The use of silence varies from one culture to another. Western traditional cultures perception of and use of silence are different from eastern cultures of the world. Countries which adapted much of the Greek culture and learned from Aristotle‚ Socrates‚ and Plato high value socializing and believe talking as an important activity. Some countires that view the perception of silence in this way are the United States‚ Germany‚ and France. However‚ Eastern cultures such as Japan and India find silence
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The Difference of Family Culture between China and America Thesis statement: The difference between Chinese family and American family is typical and it can be demonstrated in different ways. 1. Introduction 2. The difference of family values 3.1 Family structures 3.2 Social status of wife and husband 3.3 The relationship between children and parents 3.4 The attitude about divoce 3.5 The consumption view 3. The difference of educational background
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