the question about how to increase the rates at which vaccines are being given as well as subtly persuading the readers to not be afraid of vaccines‚ all while agreeing that it’s‚ “unlikely that any single approach will be sufficient to resolve them” (3). I believe his view and argument is for vaccines. Yap gives many reasons as to why vaccines should be given to each and every person‚ stating‚ “Thanks to the spread of vaccinations‚ smallpox and polio have been eliminated in most of the world” (3)
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General Purpose: To inform Specific Purpose: Inform /Educate audience about all aspects of vaccines (the truths & lack-there-of) and the potential‚ known‚ and proven risks directly correlated with “mandatory” vaccinations today. Central Idea: educate people on the dangers of vaccines and provide information about the preservatives being put into the vaccines that are highly toxic and incredibly dangerous to adults and deadly to the very fragile new born baby. I. Introduction
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“Vaccines save lives; fear endangers them. It’s a simple message parents need to keep hearing” (author‚ page #). Vaccines are a substance that teaches your body’s immune system to recognize and defend against harmful viruses or bacteria before you get infected. A good way to keep your kid safe and healthy is to make sure they get the right vaccinations. Not only will they there body be healthy and safe‚ they will be harmful to others around other kids in school. Vaccinations can prevents illnesses
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Vaccines are an essential part of preventative care throughout life. Their purpose is to protect people and prevent them from catching diseases that can be dangerous and even life threatening . Before vaccines were created‚ almost everyone in the U.S. contracted the measles and a about couple hundred would die yearly from it. Today‚ it’s rare for a doctor to see someone infected with measles. The development of vaccines is a long and complex process that takes about 10-15 years. Vaccines protect
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they Harm Children or Benefit them? The purpose of vaccines is to eradicate a disease. The debate regarding vaccines is that we do not know if they are causing more harm than damage‚ especially to children and infants. The benefits of vaccines most likely outweigh the risks of it causing harm. Vaccines contain many ingredients that are beneficial and harmful. According to an article about the ingredients in vaccines‚ it states‚ “Vaccines include ingredients to help your immune system respond
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influenza-vaccine–associated Guillain– Barré syndrome to the national Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System increased from 37 in 1992–1993 to 74 in 1993–1994‚ arousing concern about a possible increase in vaccine-associated risk" ("The Guillain" par. 1). Vaccinations have been around for many years and are supposed to help children. So‚ what if statistics showed you they didn’t‚ would you rethink your decision? Most people believe that vaccinations are helpful for children‚ when vaccines just cause
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Baby Got Vax In recent years‚ vaccines have become a hot button topic amongst parents. With Internet research becoming easier to access‚ coupled with studies showing an alleged correlation between vaccines and autism‚ it is easy to see how parents‚ neighborhoods‚ and even entire communities could become concerned about vaccines. The apparent surge in holistic treatments across America could potentially correlate with the decline in vaccinations‚ but why does it seem like the majority of “Anti-Vaxxers”
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the yearly flu-shot to MMR‚ Polio‚ Tetanus and other immunizations‚ vaccinations prevent disease and‚ ultimately‚ death. In modern‚ developed countries‚ such as the United States‚ immunizations are common and widespread. The popular use of these vaccines are essential to the health of the nation and the prevention of epidemics. Despite the theory that autism and other health issues are directly related to vaccinations‚ immunizations are effective and vital to society as they are scientifically proven
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might be quite low today. But vaccinations are not just for protecting ourselves‚ and are not just for today. They also protect the people around us like some of whom may be unable to get certain vaccines‚ or might have failed to respond to a vaccine‚ or might be susceptible for other reasons. Vaccines also protect our children’s children and their children by keeping diseases that we have almost defeated from making a comeback. It is important to continue immunizing‚ even if cases of diseases are
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Vital Vaccines Ian Henschke‚ author of the article “Why We Should Vaccinate Ourselves and Our Children‚” had a very personal reason to ensure his children are vaccinated. Whenever his first child was born‚ Henschke’s mother revealed to him that he actually had an older brother‚ Bill‚ he had never met. His mother told him the story of Bill as she pulled out a picture of him taking his first steps in the Botanical Gardens‚ which happened to be taken the day before he passed away from Influenza type
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