"Sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid" Essays and Research Papers

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    between sodium thiosulphate (thio) and hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric Acid + Sodium Thiosulphate "" sodium chloride + water + sulphur The reactants are both colourless‚ but one of the products‚ sulphur‚ is yellow‚ so we can use this fact to follow the rates of reaction. I am going to investigate how the concentration of the acid effects the speed of the reaction. Apparatus 1 small measuring cylinder 1 large measuring cylinder 1 small beaker 1 large beaker Hydrochloric Acid Sodium Thiosulphate

    Free Chemical reaction Chlorine Sodium chloride

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    length of magnesium · Change the amount of acid · Change the amount of water Method: · Set up apparatus as shown · Add 30ml of hydrochloric acid into the beaker · Measure 5cm of magnesium · Add the 5cm of magnesium to the hydrochloric acid · Put a bong onto the conical flask · Start timing · Measure the amount of gas collected every 10 seconds for 2 minutes Diagram: Prediction: I predict that as the concentration of the Hydrochloric acid increases‚ the time taken for the magnesium

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    The type of acid was clearly controlled in the method. It clearly states that hydrochloric acid is representing the digestive chemical whilst the antacid tablets represent the food being digested. It is evident that the hydrochloric acid was the acid used in all aspects of this experiment successfully controlling this variable. It is not certain whether the amount of acid was controlled throughout the experiment. This is because the amount of acid was not clearly outlined neither

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    Experiment on Metals Aim-To find out which of these metals will be most reactive with hydrochloric acid‚and plan an investigation to test it out.The Metals given:Calcium‚Aluminium‚Iron‚Magnesium and Zinc. Prediction-I predict that the metal will be the most reactive with hydrocholoric acid is calcium because calcium is in Group 2 which is the alkaline earth metals in the periodic table and because calcium is at the extreme left side of the periodic table and as you go across a period‚the element

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    Science Investigation Srategy I am ivestigating the reaction of sodium thiosulphate and hydroclohric acid. sodium thiosulphate(aq) + Hydroclohric Acid (aq) --> Sodium cloride (aq) + Sulphur Dioxide (g) + Water (l) + Suplhur (s) Na(2)S(2)O(3) + 2 HCl --> 2NaCl + SO(2) + H(2)O + S The finished reaction of the 2 clear liquids is cloudy.I will use this change from clear to cloudy as an indicator as to when the reaction is finished. By using this change ‚ i can see the effect of changing


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    using different concentrations of hydrochloric acids (HCl) and indigestion relief tablet. I will also mention the time which was taken in the experiment‚ to see how fast the hydrochloric acid took with indigestion tablet with different concentrations. Indigestion tablets are alkali and they are used for to neutralise the excess acid in the stomach. Indigestion Tablet Indigestion is caused by excess acid in the stomach. The tablets neutralise some of this Acid and this is known as ‘Neutralization’

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    of acid by titration with sodium hydroxide Ms. Hoang November 2012 Introduction: The purpose of this experiment is to demonstrate an example of how to determine the unknown molarity of hydrochloric acid by titration with a base (sodium hydroxide). Titration is a common laboratory method of quantitative chemical analysis that is used to determine the unknown concentration of an identified analyte (wekipedia). The first step will be measuring and combining water and acid (Hydrochloric acid)

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    ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ______ This lab was basically about finding the percentage of acetylsalicylic acid in an aspirin tablet. First‚ the base was created‚ which was made out of 1.00 g of NaOH and D-water. Then the buret was attached to the clamp on the ring stand and the base was poured into the buret. After that‚ one by one‚ an aspirin tablet was dropped

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    Results were in comparison to the lab group on Wednesday. Though their group tested different salt concentration levels: (0.0M NaCl‚0.15M NaCl‚0.6M NaCl‚1.2M NaC ‚4.8M NaCl). Their rationale hypothesis “An increase of sodium chloride (NaCl) will decrease the proteolytic activity of trypsin based on the effect salt concentration has on protein denaturation” was proven throughout their experiment to be accepted (Theo Balog‚ Samantha Lin‚ Derek Margulies‚ Kayla McCulloch

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    Hypothesis: The higher the concentration of hydrochloric acid‚ the faster the reaction will take place because there will be more hydrochloric acid particles to collide with the marble chip particles therefore resulting in a quicker reaction. The lower the concentration‚ the weaker the reaction will be as there will be fewer particles so less chance of a collision and a lower rate of reaction. Equipment: Conical flask – to hold the hydrochloric acid and marble chips Boiling tube – to hold and

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