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    Jonathan Rueff July 8‚ 2013 I felt I was well prepared for my first speech‚ I knew my research very well and felt like my arrangement and flow throughout the speech was well organized. If I had to change a couple of things I would definitely change my emotional approach. I felt like I didn’t change my tone of voice. I think that was the case because I was nervous coming into my speech and towards the end I was more comfortable and I started to change my voice and my emotional approach was better

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    set foot in their own unknown land that we call "growing up." This speech will be relatively short in order that you can grasp what it really mean. Graduates‚ today you bring pride and honor to your parents‚to your teachers‚ to your alma matter‚ and most of all‚ to yourself. For today you have proven one thing that only you could do. You have proven to us that you can. As I was requested to deliver an inspirational speech‚ I reminisced about the 14 years after I graduated La Camelle School

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    Indirect speech: Statements Note applying to all indirect speech exercises. When the speaker says you‚ and the person spoken to is not identified‚ it is good practice for the student to assume that the remark was made to himself. you will then become I/me or we/us. ‘You can phone from the office‚’ he said. He said I could phone from his office. This must not‚ of course‚ be done when the person spoken to is identified: ‘You can phone from my office‚ Ann‚’ he said.

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    SPEECH You are the president of the robotic Club in your school. You would like to present a speech entitled: ‘Keeping Robot Pet Is More Practical than Raising Real Pets’ at school assembly and compare the two types of pets. Good Morning to the Principal ‚ teachers and fellow students. My name is Rose Benitar and as the president of the Robotics Club‚ I would like to present a speech entitled ‘Keeping Robot Pets Is More Practical than Raising Real Pets’. I am sure many

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    Winston Churchill Speech‚ Blood Toil Tears and Sweat Blood‚ Sweat and Tears speech by Sir Winston Churchill May 13th 1940 On Friday evening last I received from His Majesty the mission to form a new administration. It was the evident will of’ Parliament and the nation that this should be conceived on the broadest possible basis and that it should include all parties. I have already completed the most important part of this task. A war cabinet has been formed of five members‚ representing

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    Speech 101 Hello‚ Good Afternoon fellow students‚ Professor Williams. I am here today to introduce my friend Yamilka Regalado. We had met in class during the fall 2012 semester and quickly became great friends. We shared many same interests as the term progressed. I want to speak to you guys about the topic of companionship and how important it is to our overall being. Yamilka owns two poodles by the names of Daphne and Princess. I myself own a Pomeranian name Charles. With a show of hands‚ who

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    Michael Moore Speech Prof. Isaacson Persuasive Outline Specific Purpose To persuade my audience why it’s bad for people to be on their phone while driving. Central Idea Driving and being on your phone can cause you to be un alert while driving‚ your endangering yourself and others and being on your phone will increase car accidents. Introduction How many of you guys are always on your phone either texting or making a call? Many of you guys are also are on your phone while driving

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    We heartily welcome our chief guest‚ shri N.L. Tibrewal ji ‚ chairman of the program shri Subhir ji kumar‚ special guest shri B.K. Subbaiha COO of sez Mahindra world city ‚ shri Gopal ji gupta chairman of Ankampa group and all our honored guest on the stage. We also welcome you all and thanks a lot that you all came here on our invitation . Today we all get together here to celebrate the inaugural function of J.D. MAHILA MAHAVIDHAYALYA. Firstly I want to put some light on womens’ education

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    English Room 101 Speech Ladies and Gentlemen‚ Doesn’t everyone just hate snoring? You have to agree with me that when you are awake at night and you are with some one that snores it is the most irritating thing in the world as half the time it is impossible to get back to sleep. Without a doubt if I succeed today snoring is most definitely going into room 101. The one and only major natural thing that really could make you sleep hell has to be stupendous‚ snotty snoring. When you awake the

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    Can you ever imagine not having homework again and actually having a life away from school in your own environment? The point i’m trying to get to is i believe that students should get a lot less homework‚ or infact no homework overall. Did you know that roughly 30% of students in the US reportedly spend 2 or more hours on homework each night? Why should we have to slave away in school for 7 straight hours which is 240 minutes or 25‚200 seconds and then get another 2 hours of homework. Don’t lie

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