professional was her overall presentation of self. She was neat. She looked focused on the task at hand. She was smiling which said to me‚ that she would give good customer service. She didn’t have on any revealing clothing. She didn’t have any revealing tattoos or body piercings There were no aspects‚ that I saw‚ that were unprofessional. She was neat and clean and seemed pleasant. She looked confident and knowledgeable. Part 2: Self Analysis The Appropriate attire for an individual in the beauty industry
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*Good Morning class* *raise your hand if you’.;pre pro-life* *now raise your hand if you’re pro-choice* Where do you stand on the option of abortion? Girls and women should the option if they get raped. The choice to either keep the baby or have an abortion. Do you think women and girls should be able to have an abortion? 49% of the U.S is pro-life of that 49% 32% has had a miscarriage or has had an abortion. Abortions she be legal‚ girls and women need to have the choice. Some women get raped
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Speech Assignment Five Type of speech: Persuasive Persuasive type: Question of policy Time limits: 6-7 minutes Visual aid: Required Typed outline: Required Bibliography: Required Copy of Sources Used: 4 Required Assignment Synopsis: This is the most important speech of the semester. Start early and work really hard on this one. Students are to present a 6-7 minute persuasive speech on a current‚ controversial topic of state‚ regional‚ national‚ or international
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Graduation speech Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi Wa Barakat uh Good evening distinguished guests‚ mothers‚ sisters‚ grandmothers‚ friends‚ teachers‚ our beloved admin‚ and‚ of course‚ last but not least the beautiful‚ amazing‚ guests of honor also known as the senior graduates of 2016. Welcome to the graduation ceremony for the graduating class of 2016. I am proud to be representing the voices of my fellow seniors on this final day of our high school career. And I am sure the lot of us would truly
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SPEECH WRITING Format of a Speech: 1. Salutation 2. Introduction of the speaker and the topic as the case may be. 3. Expression of one’s views 4. Compare and Contrast your views with others 5. Use of illustrations to impress meaningful pictures on the minds of the audience‚ and thereby‚ stimulate interest‚ highlight important ideas‚ and facilitate learning. 6. Summing up or Conclusion Purpose of a Speech: To convey information orally to a large gathering of people‚ forcefully and convincingly
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Koraima Suarez Speech 112 Mrs. Nina Askary langaroudy Summary Chapter 1 and 2 10/10/13 Chapter one explains the essential skills of public speaking. Public Speaking was developed soon after our species began to talk‚ it was ancient Greece and Rome. This chapter discusses the benefits we understand from studying public speaking‚ plagiarism is the first thing we have to avoid. The fear of speaking in public is very hight. Chapter 1 tell us about how at the end of the course we will
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Ms. Lindsey 2014-2015 Speech Syllabus Hello students! We are going to have a great semester in Speech! This syllabus is to provide you with some guidance into how I expect the class to go during your time this semester. Below are my expectations for this course. It is a required course and you cannot graduate without passing this class. I hope you all do your best and work hard! According to national surveys‚ fear of public speaking ranks among Americans’ top dreads‚ surpassing fear of illness
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prepare for your fi rst speech and as a checklist for all the speeches you give in your public speaking class. You can also use the guide as a handy reference for speeches you give aft er college. Presenting a speech involves six basic stages: 1. Determining your purpose and topic (Chapter 4) 2. Adapting to your audience (Chapter 5) 3. Researching your topic (Chapter 6) 4. Organizing your ideas (Chapter 8) 5. Practicing your speech (Chapter 12) 6. Presenting your speech (Chapter 12) Th ese
Free Rhetoric Oratory Public speaking
Speech is the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds. It is the spoken expression of ideas. It is also defined as our ability to speak or the power of expressing or communicating thoughts by speaking. We often use speech to interact with other people. Social Interaction is the means and ability of two or more social beings to come into contact‚ communicate or acknowledge one another while each being is aware of the others. This is the way people talk and
Speech to Entertain: A Guide Joann Babin Rationale and Definition If your instructor assigned you to do a speech to entertain‚ you are lucky. Since so many public speaking text book authors declare entertainment as one of the three major goals of a public speech‚ it is a great skill to practice. It is hard to deny the value of entertainment. Humor has been used to soothe many difficult situations. At a board meeting in San Francisco where there was a heated debate about closing Golden Gate
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