"Speech on transformational society" Essays and Research Papers

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    Speech is the expression of or the ability to express thoughts and feelings by articulate sounds. It is the spoken expression of ideas. It is also defined as our ability to speak or the power of expressing or communicating thoughts by speaking. We often use speech to interact with other people. Social Interaction is the means and ability of two or more social beings to come into contact‚ communicate or acknowledge one another while each being is aware of the others. This is the way people talk and


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    Transformational Learning For this assignment im going to briefly discuss the four stages of the learning cycle. The four stages are recognizing a significant problem‚ confronting it intensely‚ finding a solution‚ and integrating a new perspective and a new set of assumptions that fits into your everyday life pattern. The first stage im going to talk about is recognizing a significant problem. Whenever you are applying this in your own life you have to start by figuring out what it is. The next

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    Speech to Entertain: A Guide Joann Babin Rationale and Definition If your instructor assigned you to do a speech to entertain‚ you are lucky. Since so many public speaking text book authors declare entertainment as one of the three major goals of a public speech‚ it is a great skill to practice. It is hard to deny the value of entertainment. Humor has been used to soothe many difficult situations. At a board meeting in San Francisco where there was a heated debate about closing Golden Gate

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    College graduates are increasingly being asked to give presentations as part of their job interviews • Internet & other technologies has not reduced the need for pubic speaking The tradition of public speaking • Oldest handbook on effective speech was written on papyrus in Egypt 4‚500yrs ago. • Eloquence was highly prized in ancient India‚ Africa & china as well as Aztecs and other pre-European cultures of north & south America • Greece and Rome essential role in education & life • Aristotle’s

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    Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah                 My Topic is about any Leader‚ so In this world there are many leaders. We know most of them‚ but my speech is about “Quaid-e-Azam”. He was a Great politician and statesman of 20th century. He was generally known as the father of state of Pakistan. He was the leader of The Muslim League and served as the first Governor General of Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam was his official names.His real name is Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Quaid-e-Azam (“The Great Leader”) and

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    come back in a few days to give our vivas and 8th sem exams. But then I guess we have to make do with what we have‚ and I’m happy that I got a chance to speak to all my friends from college on this occasion I think that a farewell speech is probably the ONLY speech where students actually listen to the speaker (well I am hoping at least that is the case right now!) Now that I have your undivided attention‚ let me share a few experiences I had during the past 4 years of my life in K.J Somaiya

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    interview or an important talk with a friend‚ do you ever ask yourself “why did I shake his hand” or “I should have spoken more clearly and slowed down?” After watching Amy Cuddy Your body language shapes who you are‚ I believe the main purpose of the speech was to teach people a valuable tool while interacting with others. She emphasizes a lot about the way you present yourself and even the choice of posture you choose. While interacting with others‚ people gather personal opinions of you when they are

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    referring to something to the left‚ you might gesture towards the left Affect Displays – Movements of the facial area that convey emotional meaning‚ such as smiling or frowning Regulators – Behaviors that monitor‚ control‚ coordinate‚ or maintain the speech of another individual‚ such as nodding your head to inform the speaker to keep on speaking Adaptors – Satisfy some personal need‚ such as scratching to relieve an itch Facial Expressions – Convey emotions‚ such as happiness‚ contempt‚ interest

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    Jonathan Rueff July 8‚ 2013 I felt I was well prepared for my first speech‚ I knew my research very well and felt like my arrangement and flow throughout the speech was well organized. If I had to change a couple of things I would definitely change my emotional approach. I felt like I didn’t change my tone of voice. I think that was the case because I was nervous coming into my speech and towards the end I was more comfortable and I started to change my voice and my emotional approach was better

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    set foot in their own unknown land that we call "growing up." This speech will be relatively short in order that you can grasp what it really mean. Graduates‚ today you bring pride and honor to your parents‚to your teachers‚ to your alma matter‚ and most of all‚ to yourself. For today you have proven one thing that only you could do. You have proven to us that you can. As I was requested to deliver an inspirational speech‚ I reminisced about the 14 years after I graduated La Camelle School

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