Biography of Samuel Pallache A true adventurous character‚ Samuel Pallache was an outstanding entrepreneur with the ability to make something out of nothing and participated in expanding the trading markets in 17th century Europe. When one thinks of Samuel Pallache there are many qualities that come to mind. Personable‚ crafty‚ adaptable‚ persistent and determined are some of the many traits this Moroccan Jew has collected over his fascinating and eventful life. This biography
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Article Review Number Two NRSG 115 October‚ 31‚ 2012 Article Review Number Two This article briefly summarizes informatics providing definitions for confusing terminology and what it means for the nursing profession. Nursing informatics is described as the union of nursing science‚ computer science‚ and information science. As advances in technology continue‚ nursing informatics increasingly plays a larger role in patient care and nursing practice (Manal‚ Shaben‚ & Allen‚ 2012). By
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Review of Three Business Analytical Articles Kevin Johnson Grand Canyon University: MGT-820-O101 Using Business Analytics for Competitive Advantage November 26‚ 2014 Introduction The intent of this paper is to provide doctoral learners an opportunity to analyze three articles of literature as it correlates to the principles of business analytics. This doctoral learner chose the following three articles to review: A New Business Dimension – Business Analytics by Pavel Năstase and Dragos Stoica
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An Article Review on” Sales promotion- a missed opportunity for services marketers?” Introduction The research article which our group selected is available on International Journal of Service Industry Management‚ Vol 6 No.1.1995.pp.22-39. The article is written by two authors‚ Ken Peattle‚ Cardiff Business School‚ Cardiff‚ Wales and Sue Peattle‚ University of Glamorgan Business School‚ Treforest‚ Wales. The research paper is reviewed in two parts. The first part summarizes the overall contents
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Journal Article Review Students are required to review a journal article provided by the course instructor. The review should summarize the main points of the article concisely and thoroughly‚ demonstrating an understanding of the content‚ research‚ and conclusions. Apply the information learned appropriately and with insight for future use with individuals with disabilities in your classroom. Organized your writing in a sequential manner. Your essay should exhibit basic writing skills‚ such as a
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Article Review A Critical Review of Kasiyarno‚ 2014‚ American Dream: American Hegemonic Culture and its Implication to the World‚ Humaniora‚ Vol. 26‚ no. 1‚ pp 13-21. Using American Studies perspective‚ this study reveals the connection between the American Dream as preceding subject‚ a hegemonic culture as interceding subject and world culture as the proceeding subject. The author argues that the American Dream has already influenced people in the world by spreading a hegemonic culture through the
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Article Review Kameasha Slaughter HCS/212 December 16‚ 2013 Ms. Lisa A. Williams Article Review While reviewing the article Health Care Technology Today by Authors Hargrove L‚ Simon AM‚ Young AJ.‚ Martinez-Perez B‚ De Le Torre-Diez I‚ and Lopez-Coronado M. The writer was able to gain knowledge on advances and proposals in health care technology. The advances in prosthetic limbs‚ blood pressure and heart-rate monitoring‚ Health sensors and the applications. Being that the writer has been
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Erica Grover Tanza Bauer MBA 510 December 21‚ 2014 Collaborative Learning: Article Review The article “Collaborative Learning Enhances Critical Thinking” is a study that examined the effectiveness of individual learning verses collaborative learning in drill-and-practice skills and critical-thinking skills. (Gokhale 2) . Collaborative learning was first defined by Gokhale as‚ the grouping and pairing students for the purpose of achieving an academic goal. (1) . Collaborative learning is referred
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Article Review Journal of Accountancy UMUC Accounting Information Systems 326 Professor T. Wood December 4‚ 2011 Cloud Computing: What Accountants Need to Know‚ (Journal of Accountancy‚ Oct 2010). This article answers the questions that Accountants and CPA should be asking themselves in regards to the new technology that is growing fast. Cloud technology is growing so fast that‚ cloud services revenues were expected to surpass $68 billion dollars in 2010‚ which was almost a
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Article Review Patrick St. Louis MGT-426 July 22‚ 2015 Professor Martha Stanislas Article Review The article that is being reviewed is called " A Hidden Risk of Big Organizational Change." The article was written by Kevin Ready for Forbes magazine. In this article Ready explains that organizations need major organizational changes from time to time due to changes in the market‚ mergers‚ and or not meeting their objectives. Change always comes with certain risks; some are obvious
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