"Trophy" Essays and Research Papers

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    Participation trophies‚ while often frowned upon for their unsavory title as one of the peaks for liberal ideology‚ are actually quite plentiful in redeeming qualities. Participation trophies provide psycological boosts‚ a benefital bottom line in competetive sporting activities‚ and are surrounded by an opressive and negative stigma that stops the general public from realizing the encouraging personal reaps of getting them. Psycological boosts when participation trophies can be seen right away

    Premium Trophy

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  • Better Essays

    In many sports‚ trophies are given for the simplest things such as participation. Just because the child participated does not mean that he or she deserves the trophy. The participation trophy does not teach the child of the real world. Moreover‚ the trophies may be causing more harm to the child than good. For example‚ children do not get rewarded for making an A on a test; however‚ they get rewarded for making an A as their final grade that goes on the permanent record. Not every child should

    Premium English-language films Trophy Education

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    Are participation trophies effecting young athletes? According to the Trophies For All policy‚ young athletes are being given an award for participating. Will this affect young athletes in a bad way or a good way? Simply giving out an award for showing up is a tantamount of child abuse. Receiving participation trophies can effect the young athlete’s future in a bad result. There are some good results ‚but there are a lot of bad results as well. This can hurt ‚not just the athletes ‚but the programs

    Premium Child Psychology The Child

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    and realize the kid that only came to 2 practices the whole year got the same exact trophy as you. The happy feeling you felt turned into anger and frustration. Kids should not receive participation trophies because getting a participation trophies does not teach kids the concept of losing‚ it is not fair to everyone on the team‚ and the cost of them could be going to better use. Receiving a participation trophy does not teach kids to accept losing. If a child keeps getting a reward for everything

    Premium English-language films Education Trophy

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    Trophies for Everyone In the last couple decades there has been a growing phenomena in youth sports. This trend is the rise of the participation award. Young kids go out and compete in soccer‚ basketball‚ baseball‚ any number of activities and win or lose all members receive a ribbon or medal simply for having a pulse. It has become so prevalent that there is now a debate among everyone from soccer moms to professional athletes as to the value or necessity of participation trophies. The views on

    Premium High school Award The Real World

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  • Good Essays

    Participation Trophies sends Dangerous or Positive Message Have you ever won a trophy and you were so happy? Holding that trophy in your hand how did that make you feel‚ were you proud of yourself‚ were you happy to be appreciated for your hard work. Nowadays‚ trophies mean a lot to little kids‚ and those little participation trophies‚ certificates or metals mean something special to every child that receives one. Participation trophies give kids the opportunity to be acknowledged for their teamwork

    Premium English-language films Award Psychology

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    Trophy; a cup or other decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or success. Just to get one thing straight trophy does not mean a decorative object given to people for trying. These days it is easily misinterpreted due to just anyone getting a medal for sitting on the bench all year. If you don’t play and never get put in then let’s be honest‚ you are not going to feel the least bit confident. Could you imagine being in that persons shoes‚ it would be awful. Well why should‚ you be given

    Premium High school Education Child

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    face when they receive a trophy will experience a heartwarming sensation. Children love competition‚ and to some‚ it may seem as though a trophy represents a huge accomplishment. Some believe that giving a trophy to whoever partakes in an event is important in building a child’s confidence. Parents would do anything to see their child excel at everything they do. Those who have experience in competition would disagree with this idea however; as they believe that‚ a trophy is earned‚ not given. Children

    Premium Trophy Child

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  • Good Essays

    Harmful Effects of Participation Trophies Studies reported to Evan Grossman of Men’s Journal have shown that the generation of people reaching adulthood now are considered a bunch of “self-obsessed‚ irresponsible‚ and unmotivated generation of false achievers.” What could have caused this? A huge cause of this is what is known as the “self-esteem movement” according to Evan Grossman of Men’s Journal. Kids are given rewards and trophies for participation and maybe even just showing up to simply build

    Premium Education The Age Child

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  • Better Essays

    “What’s the point of competing for a trophy if everyone gets a trophy” (Famous Trophy Quotes). Students receive participation trophies for participating in a sport or activity. This makes students think that no matter how much effort they put into something‚ they will be rewarded. If children were given certificates instead of a trophy it would mean they tried but did not earn a trophy. A trophy is bigger than a certificate. As the child grows and has the trophy or ribbons on display‚ they begin to

    Premium English-language films Trophy Psychology

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