1.0 introduction In the study of development‚ nurture is defined as the environmental conditions that influence a child’s development (T. M McDevitt and J. E. Ormrod ‚ 2010). A child ’s home environment‚ friends with whom he spends time with‚ the food that he eats and the types of movies he watches -- not to mention the content and or education background – are all the factors that influence his physical‚ social and cognitive development in both positive and negative perspective. In this paper
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opinion the family unit has a major influence on a child’s social and emotional development. A child absorbs a huge amount of information as soon as it’s born. He or she gets most of that information from the parents or siblings therefore these are the people that are responsible for the child’s early learning. The family shows factors of concern‚ sympathy‚ respect‚ encouragement‚ freedom and independence to the child which positively contributes to its social experiences and its emotional state.
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Infant Stages of Development Bonnie Woolson-Smith ECE332: Child Development Instructor Cindy Combs July 16‚ 2011 “For infants and toddlers learning and living is the same thing. If they feel secure‚ treasured‚ loved‚ their own energy and curiosity will bring them new understanding and new skills” (http://quotes.dictionary.com). There are many factors that contribute to an infant or toddler’s development; these characteristics are known as milestones. “Milestones are punctuations
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the stages of development a child/young person may pass through within the age ranges: 0-3 years 3-5 years 5-8 years 8-12 years 13-19 years. Physical Development Babies all grow at different rates but in the same order. One 12 month old may be walking unaided‚ another may not even be sitting up alone. Several different factors can influence physical development‚ such as nutrition‚ genetics‚ culture‚ body build and birth size. Achievements that children reach in development are often called
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