think of the Vietnam War the responses are from one extreme to the other. The Vietnam War has said to have been one of the most controversial wars in American history. It was after this war when Americans quit putting their trust in the arms of the government. The ultimate reason for the United States getting involved in the war was to stop the spread of communism. Many people supported the war in the beginning‚ but as time went on many minds were changed because; the United States’ government
Premium Vietnam War United States South Vietnam
The Vietnam War was a defining moment in American history‚ due to the fact that the American people where concerned about the war and the actions of President Johnson. The lack of trust kept on growing between the American people and the government‚ which left a lot of unanswered questions. After the country’s involvement in two world wars and the cold war‚ America felt the responsibility of imposing its way of life on the world to stop the growth of the communists. War has an impact on all the parties
Premium United States Vietnam War Cold War
The Vietnam War was a conflict between Northern Vietnam‚ who held communists beliefs‚ and Southern Vietnam who opposed communism. In an attempt to combat communism globally‚ the United States of America formed an alliance with Southern Vietnam. The war initiated when‚ "the Vietnamese waged an anti-colonial war against France‚ which received $2.6 billion in financial support from the United States. The French defeat at the Dien Bien Phu was followed by a peace conference in Geneva."(1) This anti-colonial
Premium Vietnam War Vietnam United States
Cronkite states‚ “I covered the Vietnam War. I remember the lies that were told‚ the lives that were lost - and the shock when‚ twenty years after the war ended‚ former Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara admitted he knew it was a mistake all along.” On November 1‚1955‚ President Eisenhower deplays the Military Assistance Advisory Group to train the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (Cuny 1955). This marks the beginning of the United States involvement in the war recognized by the Vietnam Veterans
Premium Vietnam War Cold War United States
The Vietnam War was one of the longest and most debilitating wars for the US‚ it is the only war the US has ever lost. The consequences of the war and aftermath were significant and impacted American lives from economically‚ socially‚ culturally‚ to even domestic politics and foreign policy. Opposition to the US’s involvement in the war began in 1964 with public speeches‚ letters of opposition‚ marches‚ sit-ins and other peaceful antiwar demonstrations. Although‚ protests were present‚ in 1965 64%
Premium United States Vietnam War Cold War
The Vietnam War was a lengthy war that began in 1954 and ended with the siege ofSaigon in 1975. The war was fought between the communist North Vietnam and South Vietnamand its ally‚ the United States. The United States sought to help protect South Vietnam fromcommunism. North Vietnam‚ controlled by Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh‚ was a communistregion of Vietnam that wanted to take control of South Vietnam. The United States got involvedin Vietnam due to the fact that they viewed South essential for
Premium Vietnam War United States Cold War
In contrast to other wars‚ the United States escalading involvement in Vietnam divided the American people like none other causing an anti-war sentiment in the US‚ and caused old sown ties from the United States developed in WWII to be tested. Even though many of the effects of this war can still be seen today‚ Diem’s assassination‚ the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution‚ the policy of gradual escalation‚ and the bombing campaign lead the increasing power of the United States intervention‚ as UN power‚ to
Premium Vietnam War United States Cold War
The United States got involved in the Vietnam War because The United States felt like communism would spread quickly‚ causing the domino theory‚ meaning that each neighboring country would start to believe in communism and before too long the world would believe in it. Since Vietnam was divided into two parts -- South Vietnam and North Vietnam -- an election would take place so that reunification could take place. Unfortunately‚ an election never took place because the two sides could not agree on
Premium Vietnam War United States Cold War
The United States embargo against Cuba (dubbed by its opponents in Cuba and Latin America as el bloqueo‚ Spanish for "the blockade") is a commercial‚ economic‚ and financial embargo partially imposed on Cuba in October 1960 (almost two years after the Batista regime was deposed by the Cuban Revolution.) It was enacted after Cubanationalized the properties of United States citizens and corporations and it was strengthened to a near-total embargo on February 7‚ 1962. Today is December 8‚ 2012. Around
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French‚ who had control of South Vietnam‚ attempted to take control of North Vietnam‚ which was a Communist country. After a few years of fighting‚ the French retreated and the United States joined the war. The United States wanted to fight against Communism in North Vietnam‚ so they supported South Vietnam. With the help of the Hmong people and the Laotian government‚ the United States fought against North Vietnam for several years. As the war dragged on‚ the United States eventually withdrew from the
Premium Vietnam War Vietnam United States