Scientists are constantly looking for new medical advances that they hope will save people’s lives and often turn to animals as the optimal resource for testing new ideas and products. These animals range from rats and mice to dogs and monkeys. On top of varying animals, the tests they run fluctuate from simply checking the effectiveness of a medicine already in use to testing an entirely new form of treatment. However, there have beens years of controversy over the morality of using animals as the test subjects.…
Animals should be used in medical research due to its enormous contribution to human process. Advancements in medicine are inseparable from the sacrifices of them, we should make use of results with our gratitude and…
`”God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages” (Deval, Jacques). There are many things wrong about animal research, and I think that a lot of it is wrong. Animal testing is wrong because it harms animals, animals’ rights are violated in tests, it is expensive, there are better alternatives, and the results of these tests aren’t always accurate or reliable.…
All of my life I have had a tremendous amount of passion for all animals, and in most instances I've found that I have felt more comfortable around them than I do people, finding myself drawn to their many personable qualities, such as innocence, loyalty, lack of judgment, and overall cheerful disposition. As I have grown, my care for animals and their well being has as well, and my eyes have been opened to the horrors taking place all throughout the globe involving poor, innocent animals, who are unable to defend themselves, against the very people they are meant to find companionship with. The controversy over the practice of utilizing animals for the purposes of testing has been an issue for the past 30-40 years, and with it, comes the moral debate. However, the topic of ongoing question, whether animal testing is right or wrong, lies within your own personal morals.…
Many people also think that animal research is an amazing practice. They might argue with counter arguments like, If humans never used animal for testing we wouldn't have cured many illnesses that had a devastating affect on humans. Many medical breakthrough would have never happened, like when scientist found a cure for polio. If scientist saved so many lives, why would people want to stop animal testing? It heartless that some people do not want to test on animals, do they want people to die? Scientist can go through many more amazing breakthroughs with the help of animals. The medical and scientific field can advance so much more with the help of couple animals. There are about 5 billion rats, so why does it matter that people use a couple? Yes, there have been medical breakthroughs with the help of animals, but that doesn't mean it will always be okay to do. Like stated before, 90% of experiments are a total fail! Why should animals die when scientist accomplish nothing? That means that scientist are just being ignorant, and they do not want to say that they have failed on a project. Poor animals are dying because these type of people do not stop after killing some animals, they keep on killing. Maybe animals are needed for some project, but not all for others. For example animals are not needed for cosmetics and other companies like that. For example, LUSH Cosmetics has over 900 stores! In all those 900 stores…
When the scientists test on animals, it takes them quite long to finish up the testing, then when it fails, a lot of time gets wasted. This is not only time-consuming but money consuming too. The tools they used to test on animals are very expensive, they cost thousands. As I said before, when the testing fails, the money goes to waste. A lot of time, money and energy is wasted from testing on animals, therefore, it is unethical.…
FIX:Everyone loves animals! They are soft, loveable, and good hearted. Knowing that animals are so innocent, it is astonishing that scientists all over the world have been using animals for medical purposes.The medical purposes are mostly experiments to find cures for diseases or ailments in humans. There has been quite a bit of controversy as to why Animal Testing has to be done at all. There are so many animals out there who are used, hurt,and experimented on. However, there is another side to this picture and it is for medical research purposes. Animal testing is a way to discover information for medical purposes and it is important in finding cures . However, Medical Researching takes so much money, time and can be very unreliable therefore…
As a doctor it is your duty and obligation to be in the best interest of your patient. Animal testing goes against this in many ways. It violates the right of the animal. Just because they can't speak doesn't mean they have no rights. How is making someone go in terrible pain and even suffering an excruciating death acting in the patient's best interest?…
Animals have been used in research for countless numbers of years, dating back all the way to BCE. The number of animals in testing has grown as the years have passed, and their purpose has resulted in treatments for lung cancer, childhood leukemia, breast cancer, and many others. When most people think about animal science, they think about the cruelty and immoral treatment of animals; they do not bother to think about the side effects of animal testing. The medicine we buy or are prescribed, the lotions we use, and everyday makeup we wear would not be available without the use of animals in labs. With all the benefits that come with animal testing, one might ask why anyone would be opposed to animal testing. However, an article entitled “Ethics…
Every day, animals such as rabbits, chimpanzees, and mice take part of medical experimentation. “Chimpanzees share 99% of their DNA with humans, and mice are 98% genetically similar to humans. The United States and Gabon are the only two countries that allow experimentation on chimpanzees.” (The Jane Goodall Institute of Canada). What people don’t understand is that these animals contribute to medical discoveries regarding human health. Animals should be used for medical experimentation because they contribute to many life-saving cures and treatments, they are similar to human beings in many ways, animals are the only organisms other than humans who we can experiment on, and the animals themselves benefit…
Admittedly, it is true that animal testing has contributed to many life saving medicines. However, drugs that pass animal tests are not surely safe. It appears that, an experiment tested on a drug called “Vioxx” showed it had a safeguarding effect on the hearts of mice, although, the drug was later sold to people and caused more than twenty-seven thousand heart attacks and sudden deaths. In other words, all treatments that pass animal tests are not always safe. Also, people claim that animals have shorter life cycles than humans and, therefore, humans should be taken more care off than animals. Although, if people were actually humane, they should know that animals feel pain too. They suffer like they’re some slaves from the eight-hundred thousands. They may not be as intelligent, but they’re smart in their own way. They contribute a lot more into this world other than food, clothing, or being cruelly used for unnecessary…
Lots of doctors need animals to test on because the animals are living. The doctors test on animals before starting a clinical trial. Animal testing is cruel and unfair. Imagine living in a cage and having chemicals put on you your whole life when there is an alternative and better option then testing on you. Animal testing is unfair and cruel.…
Did you know that most of our medicine today has come from animals? I am in favor of animal testing because of this so we can get faster results from them because of their short lives, they reproduce faster than us so they won’t hurt the population as much, and the Bible tells us that we can. Animal testing is the best thing we can do. Human testing is inhumane because it is sometimes painful and can possibly kill someone. Imagine how you would feel if a loved one was tested on and died. Would you rather give your best friend a pill that could save their life or lead to a horrible death, or test it on an animal first?…
For years the discussion of whether or not animals should be used in research has been debated by various people. “Those who advocate animal welfare recognize the value of…
From the early time humans survival was depended on animals, either as food or for transporting. Today we are using animals for a new kind of survival, we are using them for testing and experimenting medicines that we need for different diseases. All along this time, this experiments has helped a lot for discovering of new kind of diseases and medicine to cure them. I think that stopping of this experiments will bring limitation in scientific progress. However there are o lots of organization that try to protect animal rights but anyway for the moment is the only what that we have to test and experiment new way curing new or existing deceases.…