One of the best examples for a scientific invention that have brought great damage is the atomic bomb. Millions of people were killed in the atomic bomb attack on the two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, during World War II. Even years after that incident, many people are still suffering from the effects of atomic radiation in those cities. While the dropping of atomic bomb in Japan was done to end the war, it was a fact that a mass destruction has occurred. What has happened to man’s moral values that they can allow science to be used to cause so much damage to their other fellow mankind? Nowadays, many countries possess nuclear weapons. The power of nuclear energy is so great that it will cause very great damage and the lost of many lives. However, this has not stopped man from developing more nuclear weapons. This shows that man’s moral values are highly questionable. Have they accepted such ways to protect their country?
With the development in science, many new drugs, which could help to cure incurable diseases in the past, were invented. However, during this process, many scientists have to carry out animal testing. Such drugs have to be tested on animals first to know if they are safe to be used on humans. In animal testing, the animals may have to suffer from pain or even lose their lives in the end. To find a cure for diseases, animals are infected with such diseases and are forced to grow abnormally, so that experiments can be carried out to find a treatment. Using the reason that such experiments may result in an important medical breakthrough that will reduce human sufferings, many scientists carry out such cruel animal testing. As we try to better human health, we allow many animals to suffer. This really questions man’s moral values to subject animals to such sufferings.
Of course, some people might say that there are a lot of scientific developments that come from good moral values to better our lives and let us life comfortably. However, even if scientific developments come from good reason, it may be abused by others. For example, in the recent Taiwan plasticizer food crisis, the plasticizer was illegally added to food and drinks as a substitute for a traditional and more expensive emulsifier, such as palm oil. The plasticizer was originally used in improving different materials but was in the end used the manufacturing of food to save cost. This again shows that man’s moral values are highly questionable. With a greater understanding of science, man used it in the wrong way and put many people’s lives at risk.
In conclusion, I feel that with the development of science, man’s moral values have been greatly challenged. Man has come to accept many things that used to be morally unaccepted. Perhaps what is important now is to educate people to not abuse what science has given us.
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