Teachers are finding that using different classroom technologies like tablet computers, digital video, iPods, and video games are great tools for helping students learn.
While there are some nay-sayers who bring up some negative effects of technology on education in the classrooms, mainly budgetary reasons, using new technologies is the future of the education system.
The following reasons should silence the nay-sayer and help them heed the wisdom from Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach,
"Teachers will not be replaced by technology, but teachers who don't use technology will be replaced by those who do.".
Kindle ereader nook
1. Students love it. Students love using new technologies in the classroom. Whether it be the "cool" factor or just a genuine interest in new technology, it allows teachers to vary activities of the day and engage students. There is no commandment for education that says,
Students spend hours using technology like computers and television when they get home from school--why not engage them through their favorite mediums?
2. It engages the Four Key Components to Learning. Click on the link to read how technology in education (specifically the iPod School Listening Center) engages the 4 key components to learning.
3. Professional Development. Using new technologies allow students to learn another skill set that will help them in the marketplace. How many jobs need basic computing skills let alone advanced computing skills? Any time a teacher can encourage students to learn through technology, they kill two birds with one stone.
The tech industry is only getting bigger--encourage your students to know and understand technology so they can be the tech leaders of the future!
With the power of the internet, knowing how to use a simple piece of technology can turn an aspiring singer into Justin Bieber (whose mom uploaded videos of him singing which led to his fame) and a hilarious