❏ 《紐約郵報》今年6月曾在一篇報導中指出, Google 實習生的薪水
幾乎是全美企業實習生中最高的。例如,在 Google 總部,實習三個
❏ 在 Google 實習可以享受到免費的食物和點心,免費的健身房會員卡
❏ Google 還會為習生組織豐富的業餘活動,如彩彈射擊遊戲、真人激
❏ http://digital.sina.com.hk/news/7/20140110/39122/
❏ Google 人事主管Laszlo Bock表示:「我們已經推出了一項Google 員
❏ 調查顯示,Google的軟件工程師平均年薪約12.8萬美元,facebook則
❏ 如果實習生對所分配的工作不感興趣,甚至可以拒絕參加。
❏ 在 Google 實習,很容易認識其他實習生,相互瞭解,與他們一起合作。
❏ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/01/30/googlebenefitsemployeeperks_n_1
perks_n_1242707.html ●
Make fun a regular part of work
○ Have dress up days, pajama days, a costume party for Halloween; something small , fun, and regular. Every year for
April Fool’s Day
, Google allows their employees to plan and execute some major tricks and gags to the world. Today, they announced a new job role of Pokémon Master at
Google. (Check out this amazing video)
Make employee happiness a priority
○ Google has a team of people whose job is primarily to monitor and execute employee perks and benefits. Google employs Prasad Setty, VP of people analytics and compensation, who is responsible for, not only managing this team, but identifying and establishing employee desires.
Offer training
○ Find out what goals your employees have and see how you can help them get there. No matter how unrelated it may be to their work, if members of your team want to learn a new skill in your company, let them. How can educating your team possibly hurt? Let’s take me for example; I manage a corporate blog, content, and social media accounts. I would love to learn HTML, coding, and a little graphic design. Any of those skills would only increase my onthejob performance.