Young People’s Development through Play
Outcome 1
Understand the importance of play for children and young people’s development and well being.
1. Describe how play supports children and young people’s development and well being
When children are given the freedom to play, they are stimulating their brains, this is vital in order for their brains to grow.
They will learn to use their imagination to make up new games or pretend/ recreate things their parents do at home, for example cooking and cleaning. Play allows children to explore and learn about their environment and the world around them, this helping with their Cognitive Development.
Giving a child the chance to play helps their …show more content…
Physical development, fine and gross motor skills, for example a child that plays ball will learn how to kick an run.
As children play together they are interacting with one another and learning how to socialise and make friends this building up their social and emotional development. Children that play together learn how to communicate with one another through speech, helping their language development.
Children that are deprived of play, stimulation and exercise are more likely to have delayed development.
2. Explain the difference between adult directed play and child initiated play
Adult directed means that an adult structures and directs the play for the child so they don’t have to think about what to do. For example, the adult may says Lets play catch, you stand here and hold out your hands and I will throw you the ball to you. Then the adult throws the ball and the child catches it.
This kind of play is fun for the child and he/she learns how to catch better, but it does not stimulate creativity.
An example of child initiated play is, the child says to the adult or another child, Let’s play catch, if you stand there then I will throw the ball to you and you throw it back to me. The adult catches the ball and throws it back. The child may then chooses to bounce the ball once as he/she passes it to the adult. The child may change the rules in other ways like asking a friend to join in but as It's the child's game then the rules are theirs to make. The adult supports by helping the children negotiate any conflicts and making sure the game stays safe.
2. Describe how the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child promotes the importance of
UN Convention article 31
Every child has the right to rest and leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to participate freely in cultural life and the arts.
Member governments shall respect and promote the right of the child to participate fully in cultural and artistic life and shall encourage the provision of appropriate and equal opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure activity.”
The UN recognises that playing is integral to children’s enjoyment of their lives, their health and their development, it also identifies that children and young people have the right to learn and develop into adults without the risk of harm.
Children and young people – disabled and non-disabled – whatever their age, culture, ethnicity or social and economic background, need and want to play, indoors and out, in whatever way they can. Through playing, children are creating their own culture, developing their abilities, exploring their creativity and learning about themselves, other people and the world around them. Children need and want to stretch and challenge themselves when they play.
Play provision and play space that is stimulating and exciting allows children to encounter and learn about risk, helping them to build confidence, learn skills and develop resilience at their own pace.
Outcome 2
Be able to support children and young people’s learning and play through risk and challenge
1. Outline the value of risk and challenge in children and young people’s learning and play
As with any challenge there comes an element of risk, and it is important to allow children to have safe risks in order to help their development and help them to understand what risks are.
These are the Risk and challenges that a child will encounter through play.
Physical e.g. Learning to crawl and walk.
Intellectual e.g. Trying out a new activity.
Social and Moral e.g. Developing an understanding of boundaries and rules.
2. Describe what is meant by ‘unacceptable risk and challenge’ in children and young people’s play and learning
It must always be recognises by a practitioner when a risk or challenge in play goes beyond the limits of acceptability, this could be for a number of reasons,
when something is beyond a child’s capabilities, for example taking the stabilisers off a bike that a child had only just learned to pedal.
When something is beyond their understanding, for example a baby relies on an adult to keep them safe so allowing them to play by a fire would be totally unacceptable as they wouldn’t know that the fire was hot, and would touch it.
When there is no supervision, even if a child has a good understanding of an activity or task, if there is a risk involved they need to be constantly supervised.
Where there is no guidelines, for example an adult needs to be clear in there expectations of a child for them to take personal responsibilities of their own health and safety, this can be done by discussion and explaining the dangers.
When health and safety has not been taken into account, this could be a lapse in health and safety procedures where necessary risk assessments have not been carried out.
3. Describe why it is important for children and young people to be able to manage risk and challenge for themselves
By exposing children to well managed risks helps them learn important life skills including managing risks for themselves.
Children do not learn by simply being told, they need to be encouraged to experience things first hand, by doing this a child is learning and understanding about the risks that they are being exposed to, this also helps them to understand that their actions have consequences making them more responsible individuals.
Managing risks can also increase their independence skills by allowing them to do things for themselves, this has a significant impact on their self-esteem and confidence.
By limiting the risks that we expose the children to can have dire consequences for when they are older, as they will have no concept of risk and danger.
Outcome 4
Be able to reflect on supporting children and young people’s learning and play
1. Outline the value of reflecting on own practice in supporting children and young people learning and play
Reflecting on practice is a valuable tool for future play and leisure needs of the children, by reflecting you can identify what worked in you activity, that next time you would use again, and also what didn’t work in the activity and next time you would avoid. By writing your reflection down allows you to store valuable information that you can look back on for the next time you do the activity.
Also by reflecting on an activity it highlights your own personal strengths and weaknesses and where you may need to ask for further training and advice.