The Gospel of Matthew is rich with teaching statements by Jesus that give us insights into how he would like his followers to live.
"The Sermon on the Mount" is referred to as Jesus' basic teachings in a capsule. 20 key teachings of Jesus from the Gospel of Matthew; 1. The Christian life is marked by baptism (Matt. 3:13-17). 2. God is available to help us not give into temptation (Matt. 4:1-11). 3. Jesus asks us to repent—turn away from wrong, confess wrong doing (Matt. 4:17). 4. Jesus says, "Follow me" and you will help find other followers (Matt. 4:18-22). 5. Jesus says, "Take up your cross and follow me"(Matt. 16:24-27). 6. Repeatedly Jesus notes, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand." Jesus seems to be telling us ways to experience heaven on earth now, and he also refers to a future realm where we will be in the presence of God and Jesus (Matt. 4:23; 13:18-52; 18:1-5). 7. Jesus showed compassion for all and helped them: the poor, the despised the outcasts, and wants us to do the same (Matt. 4:24-25; 9:9-13). 8. Jesus says he is like "new wineskins" or a completely new thing(Matt. 9:14-17). 9. The many stories and healings of Jesus teach us, have faith; it is enough (Matt. 9:18-31). 10. Jesus emphasizes, "Be sincere, not a hypocrite" (Matt. 6:1-6). 11. Jesus and God are one (Matt. 10:40; 16:13-20). 12. Jesus warns, "Don't let family get in the way of following me" (Matt. 10:35-38; 12:46-50). 13. Jesus has authority over the law and tradition (Matt. 12: 1-8;15:1-9). 14. Jesus fulfills Old Testament scriptures (Matt. 1:22-23; 17:9-13). 15. Jesus preaches, "Love your enemies; do not hate, be reconciled" (Matt. 5:38-48; 5:21-24). 16. Jesus reminds us, "You must become like a child to enter the kingdom" (Matt. 19:13-15). 17. Jesus' disciples become a community of faith, which forms the beginnings of the Christian church universal (Matt. 28:16-19). 18. The events of Jesus'